Friday, May 22, 2020
How to Conjugate Remplir (to Fill) in French
The French verb remplir means to fill. When trying to remember it, it may help to think of replenish, which sound similar. Yet, when you want to use it in the present, past, or future tense to mean things like filled or will fill, youll also need to know its conjugations. This lesson will introduce you to the simplest forms youll need for your French conversations. The Basic Conjugations of Remplir Remplir is a regular -ir verb, so it does use a rather common conjugation pattern found in French verbs. The endings you find here are the same as you would use for words like bà ©nir (to bless) and finir (to finish). If you study a few of these together, each is just a little easier to remember. The first step is to identify the radical or stem of the verb. For remplir, that is rempl-. To this, different endings are added to fit both the sentences subject pronoun and its tense. This gives us, for example, je remplis for I am filling and nous remplirons for we will fill. Practicing these whenever you see someone fill something will help you commit them to memory. Present Future Imperfect je remplis remplirai remplissais tu remplis rempliras remplissais il remplit remplira remplissait nous remplissons remplirons remplissions vous remplissez remplirez remplissiez ils remplissent rempliront remplissaient The Present Participle of Remplir Useful as a verb as well as a noun or adjective in some instances, the present participle of remplir is an easy conjugation. Simply add -issant to the radical and you have remplissant. Remplir in the Compound Past Tense In French, the compound past tense is called the passà © composà ©. Its also easy to form and youll begin with the present tense conjugate of the auxiliary verb avoir appropriate to the subject. All thats left is adding the past participle rempli, which implies that the act of filling happened in the past. This leaves us with things like jai rempli for I filled and nous avons rempli for we filled. More Simple Conjugations of Remplir To question the certainty of whether something is filled or not, youll use the subjunctive form of remplir. Similarly, if it will only happen if something else does, the conditional can be used. Youll encounter the passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive only in written French as these are literary tenses. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je remplisse remplirais remplis remplisse tu remplisses remplirais remplis remplisses il remplisse remplirait remplit remplt nous remplissions remplirions remplmes remplissions vous remplissiez rempliriez rempltes remplissiez ils remplissent rempliraient remplirent remplissent The French imperative is used for short and very direct statements and the subject pronoun is not required. All you need to say is remplis rather than tu remplis. Imperative (tu) remplis (nous) remplissons (vous) remplissez
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