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Topic For Argumentative Essay Funny
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Identification of Foraminiferal Species
Distinguishing proof of Foraminiferal Species Kutch is notable for its rich and various megafossils, especially upper Jurassic Ammonites, bivalves and other benthic spineless creatures (Kitchen, 1900; Spath, 1933; Cox, 1940, 1952) which give great intra-and intercontinental relationship. A few laborers every now and then attempted to clarify the geographical history, including stratigraphy of the Kutch area, notable for its capability of mineral oil. Weakness to catastrophic events like the ongoing Bhuj quake has additionally pulled in the consideration of analysts from everywhere throughout the world. Syke’s (1834) commitment, most likely one of the first, in the field of stratigraphy and scientific classification of the fossils biota is exceptional. He was trailed by an increasingly point by point account by Wynne (1872) in light of mapping overviews. Ammonites have demonstrated commendable all through to the extent the age assurance and connection of the Mesozoic arrangements is concerned. As of late the uncovering of a few arrays of foraminifers by different specialists in Kutch locale has demonstrated sensibly encouraging. It is past the extent of this examination to record the subtleties of every single finding of all the prior examinations in various parts of geography on this area. Hence, based on need just the investigates on foraminifera have been managed some detail while the rest have essentially been recorded. Tewari (1957) announced a few foraminiferal genera just because from the Jurassic rocks (Patcham ‘series’) of Habo Hill, Kutch including Aulotortus, Textularia, Bigenerina, Spiroplectammina and Gaudryina. Subbotina et al. (1960) portrayed 34 types of Jurassic foraminifera from the southwest of town Lodai and from the shales of Khawda in Kutch and furthermore from Rajasthan; the vast majority of the species were benthic. They have proposed a Callovian-Oxfordian age of the considered rocks. Agrawal and Singh (1961) announced Rhabdammina, Ammodiscus, Ammobaculites, Quinqueloculina, Triloculina, Robulus, Lenticulina, Nodosaria, Saraceneria, Vaginulina, Palmula, Nonion, Elphidium, Rotalia and Anomalina from the Habo beds of Walakhawas and Fakirwari, southwest of Bhuj. They additionally detailed some post-Jurassic components like Elphidium yet couldn't offer any clarification for this irregular blending. It was just settled later on that the post-Jurassic components are not indigenous but rather by certain methods spilled into these stones. Bhalla and Abbas (1975a, b, c; 1976a, b; 1978, 1984) did itemized take a shot at the Jurassic Foraminifera of Kutch. These creators (Bhalla and Abbas 1975a, 1976a) recuperated sixty-five types of foraminifera, commanded by the family Nodosariidae. Out of these, ten were new, forty six were accounted for just because from this district, and the rest has been those effectively portrayed by before examiners. Bhalla and Abbas (1975 a) watched variety in Lenticulina subalata (Reuss) and suggested legitimate alert while managing the scientific classification of Jurassic nodosariids. They too discovered some post-Jurassic components in the considered rocks (1975 b, c). Shringarpure and Desai (1975) recuperated a foraminiferal gathering of nineteen species speaking to family Nodosariidae. Shringarpure et al. (1976) watched stratigraphic spillage, an issue with foraminiferal gatherings of Wagad Mesozoic residue of eastern Kutch. They saw that foraminiferal gatherings happen in relationship with scarcely any ostracoda, brayozoa and echinoderm spines. They likewise ran over some tiny plant tissues and creepy crawly skeleton of Tertiary, sub-later and Recent age blended in with more seasoned Mesozoic dregs of Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The explanation behind this profoundly blended fauna has been appointed to the normal organizations of disintegration and transportation. Bhalla and Abbas (1976b) chipped away at the age goals and paleogeographic centrality of Jurassic foraminifera from Kutch. They suggested a Callovian-Oxfordian age of the stones uncovered in an area close Habo Hills and recommended that foraminifera from the Jurassic of Kutch can be contrasted viably and those of abutting areas of the world, viz., Rajasthan, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Somalia and Malagasy, which shows that Kutch was gotten together with these landmasses during the Middle and Upper Jurassic occasions. Singh (1977) proposed two biostratigraphic array zones, Epistomina stellicostata-E. alveolata gathering zone and E. ventriosa-E. mosquences gathering zone (late Jurassic of Banni region, Kutch). Singh (1979) proposed seven Biostratigraphic zones for the subsurface Jurassic silt of Banni, Rann of Kutch, based on foraminifera, Charites sp., and Ostracoda. He proposed a late Jurassic age for the subsurface shakes in the previously mentioned territory and a harsh to marine condition for the beds of the Charites-Otocethere Assemblage Zone; while the remainder of the arrangement was respected to have been saved in an inward neritic condition. Singh (1977a) recouped five types of Epistomina from the subsurface rocks crossed by the Banni well based on which an Upper Jurassic age was relegated to this succession. Hence, Singh (1977b) appointed an Oxfordian age to similar layers and proposed an inward neritic condition of affidavit based on nannoplanktons from this well. Bhalla and Abbas (1978) completed a thorough investigation of a segment cutting across Patcham, Chari and Katrol â€Å"series†from the Jurassic rocks of Habo Hills, Kutch. Of these, the initial two units were profoundly fossiliferous however the last one was unfossiliferous. The acquired array incorporates ten new species and many were accounted for just because from the Indian area. Family Nodosariidae rules the collection and it was alloted a Callovian-Oxfordian age. The entire arrangement of Habo arch was separated into three section, initial two proposed fluctuating ecological conditions, In Patcham arrangement, by and large uncommonness of faunal and the nearness of arenaceous structure having a straightforward inside and of glauconite, a shallow, close shore, marginally lessening marine condition with limited association with the vast ocean, for example, that in a tidal pond, yet over the patcham foramtion, it is in this way, obvious that through nodosariids moved from shallow water silt and through time, they generally favored open marine situations of typical saltiness. (? Palaeoecology and Palaeogeography) Bhalla and Abbas (1984) proceeded with their investigations on Jurassic rocks of Habo Hills and isolated them into a few palaeoecological units. The examination uncovered that the general affidavit of the residue occurred in shallow marine water, structurally flimsy marine bowl with an as often as possible evolving shore-line. Abbas (1988) based on foraminiferal data attempted to delineate the Jurassic/Cretaceous limit inside the Mesozoic rocks of Kutch. Bhalla and Talib (1978, 1980) did a point by point examination of the Jurassic rocks of Badi in focal Kutch. They proposed a Callovian-Oxfordian age for the Chari ‘series’ uncovered in the region based on a couple of short extending species. On the fundamental of foraminifera the Chari arrangement close badi was collected in a close to shore, shallow water, marine condition which changed between littoral to infraneritic conditions. It was likewise recommended that Jurassic rocks of Kutch have close partiality with that of neighboring territories, viz., Iran, Rajasthan, Egypt, Somalia and Afghanistan. (? Palaeoecology, Palaeobiogeography) Bhalla and Talib (1985a, b, c) Published an arrangement on foraminifera from the Jurassic silt of Jhurio slopes, Kutch, western India. These creators (1985a) talked about variety in the number of inhabitants in Lenticulina quenstedti recuperated from Jhurio slope, Kutch. They recognized four morpho-variations of this species which indicated persistent between degree into each other. In an ensuing paper, (1985b) two new species were recouped having a place with family Nodosariidae from Jurassic silt of Jhurio slope, Kutch, viz., Marginulina sastryi and Vaginulina bhatiai. In another distribution these agents (1985c) detailed fifty-three foraminiferal species from Jhurio slope, Kutch. Of these, twenty six species were recorded just because from the Indian locale. They (Bhalla and Talib, 1985c) additionally quickly talked about the age and depositional condition of these dregs just as palaeogeography of the Kutch area won during the Middle and Upper Jurassic occasions. A Callovian-Oxfor dian age was doled out to the encasing rocks. An endeavor was likewise made to differentiate the limit among Callovian and Oxfordian of the grouping in the Jhurio Hill. (? Palaeoecology, Palaeobiogeography) (? 1985 a, b, c) Bhalla and Lal (1985) found a foraminiferal array of seventeen species in the Jurassic silt uncovered at northern flanks of Kaiya Hills, Kutch principally from Chari â€Å"series†. This examination highlighted a close to shore, shallow water, marine condition and a period of Callovian-Oxfordian was supported based on a couple of short going species, for example, Citharina hetropleura, Dentalina guembeli and Patellinetlla poddari. Govindan et al. (1988) examined tests gathered over the Jurassic-Cretaceous limit from wells bored in Kutch Mainland and recouped a rich calcareous benthic foraminiferal array including epistominids, lenticulinids and agglutinated species having a place with family Dorothia. The entire succession was isolated into a few collection zones based on the recuperated fauna. Bhalla and Gaur (1989) depicted Marginulina jumarensis, another types of Vaginulinidae family and remarked that this species is lenient of exceptionally factor natural conditions between that of shallow open marine to paralic condition, for example, a swamp or tidal pond. Mandwal and Singh (1989) portrayed sixteen foraminiferal species from the Patcham and lower some portion of the Chari Formation, Jhurio Hill, Kutch. Their investigation has indicated that these stones had a place with Bathonian age. B
Saturday, August 22, 2020
An analysis of ethics in the 21st Century Research Paper
An examination of morals in the 21st Century - Research Paper Example Sorts of morals will give us data about how morals are connected with different folds of our life. Among the kind of morals we will examine to sum things up about Business Ethics in our report. This conversation would incorporate subtleties of business morals as in what business morals may be, the way they influence business and confinements of business morals. Subsequent to getting data of business morals we will examine about morals in 21st century lastly proceeding onward with the finish of report about what we have talked about in the report. Morals might be characterized as the philosophical investigation of conduct that is considered as right among a specific calling or gathering. Morals are likewise named as Moral Philosophy. It is the control or study directing about what is ethically right and so forth. Morals and qualities are fundamental for the advancement of each general public, state, locale or nation. Today our general surroundings is changing with a quick pace in this manner making vulnerability in lives. This might be because of vicious rivalry and globalization. In this way morals may fill in as a direction laying standards of lead which is considered as ethically right. The general qualities for common habitat, wellbeing and security, human rights, balance of people and standards of human lead all goes under investigation of Ethics. It is a wide term covering practically all the circles of life laying standards for reasonable conduct (Singer 2011). Business Ethics is about mindfully doing the business. It implies that the agents must avoid enjoying out of line exchange rehearses like distribute deceiving ads, contaminated, dark showcasing and so on. The representatives should gracefully quality items to their shoppers at sensible costs constantly. There ought to be no out of line rivalry and imposing business models. Laborers abuse ought not be there and they should get appropriate wages with great working condition. Business Ethics can be separated into two sections
Friday, July 31, 2020
Symptoms of OCD in Toddlers
Symptoms of OCD in Toddlers OCD Living With OCD Print How to Recognize Signs of OCD in Toddlers By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 23, 2020 Westend61 / Getty Images More in OCD Living With OCD Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types Related Conditions Although we often think of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as an illness that affects mostly adults, between 0.25-4% of children will develop OCD.?? The average age of onset is approximately 10 years of age,?? although children as young as 5 or 6 may be diagnosed with the illness. Though children can start showing symptoms of OCD around age 3, it is extremely rare. Why It May Seem Like Your Toddler Has OCD Many toddlers like to sort objects by color, shape, size or texture. At this age, they are growing and changing rapidly and engaging in this sort of behavior can help them make sense of their limited world. It also shows cognitive development as they learn to make distinctions between characteristics and group items by their similarity. This stage of development is very normal and positive. Youll know this behavior is problematic if it begins to impact your toddler negatively. Sorting and organizing should be a positive part of play, so if it becomes an obsession and/or something your toddler begins to rely on to stop her fear or anxiety, and most especially if its affecting her normal activities, its time to get help. Toddlers with OCD are sticklers for rules and order and need certain steps to be followed in a certain way. They may become very upset if a step is skipped or something is out of order and they likely seem very anxious a lot of the time. Tips for Coping as a Parent of a Child With OCD While there is no doubt that parenting children with OCD can be a challenge, there are ways to cope. Getting informed about OCD, particularly as it is experienced by children, is the essential first step that every parent of a child with OCD should undertake to become an effective advocate for their child. Some key facts: Children with OCD often have less insight into their obsessions than adults and may not yet have the capacity to understand the irrational nature of their thoughts.The content of a child’s obsessions can be different from that of adults. For example, it is not uncommon for children with OCD to have specific obsessions related to the death of their parents. The rituals or compulsions of children also may be more likely to involve or be centered around family members.In most cases, the current recommended treatment for childhood-onset OCD is a combination of individual or group cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT),?? and when severe enough, medications that augment levels of the neurochemical serotonin such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs are used cautiously in children and adolescents as there has been some suggestion that they may increase the risk of suicide in this age group.??About 5% of children with OCD have the PANDAS or autoimmune subtype.?? The PANDA S form of OCD has a few key characteristics, such as the rapid onset of symptoms, that helps doctors distinguish it from more typical forms of childhood OCD. The PANDAS form of OCD may entail some differences in treatment, too.?? Learning more about your child’s OCD will help to reduce your own stress levels and make it easier to carry through with at-home exposure exercises. Why It Is Important to Get Involved With Your Childs OCD Treatment Research suggests that parental involvement is a strong predictor of cognitive-behavioral treatment success.?? Given the developmental cognitive limitations of children, the explanation of abstract concepts needs to be done in a way that is appropriate for the age of the child. Parents can be an invaluable resource in helping the therapist to develop ways of presenting material that will resonate with and make sense to the child. On a day-to-day basis, parents can help remind young children that it is their OCD that is the “bad guy†who is responsible for their symptoms, and they and their parents and family are the “good guys.†Such a technique can help reduce the chances a child will feel blame or shame for having OCD. Above all, work on fostering a strong partnership with the various professionals involved in your child’s care. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask about resources that you can take home to better absorb new information in small bits. How to Engage Your Partner and/or Family Each of us has different comfort levels when dealing with the emotional difficulties of others, even when it concerns our own family or children. If you are having trouble engaging your partner in becoming educated about your child’s OCD or helping out with at-home exposure exercises, talk about it, dont sweep it under the rug. Often a partner’s reluctance to help out simply reflects their own anxiety about the situation and does not mean they don’t want to help the child. If you are the single parent of a child with OCD, look into available resources within your community. A good starting point can be a support group where people share tips for coping with a child who has OCD. In addition to your partner, the rest of the family must be involved and aware of what treatment entails, especially exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP).?? It is not unusual for both adults and children with OCD to ask others to participate in their compulsions and family members often oblige so as to reduce their loved one’s anxiety, especially when it is a child. For treatment to work, compulsions need to stop and family members must be aware of this. Don’t Give up Hope Finally, it is important to never give up hope. There are many different treatments available and if the first strategy doesn’t work there are often many other options available. Sometimes it is simply a matter of finding the right therapist or the right combination of medication and psychotherapy. With the right treatment, many children are able to find relief from their symptoms.
Friday, May 22, 2020
How to Conjugate Remplir (to Fill) in French
The French verb remplir means to fill. When trying to remember it, it may help to think of replenish, which sound similar. Yet, when you want to use it in the present, past, or future tense to mean things like filled or will fill, youll also need to know its conjugations. This lesson will introduce you to the simplest forms youll need for your French conversations. The Basic Conjugations of Remplir Remplir is a regular -ir verb, so it does use a rather common conjugation pattern found in French verbs. The endings you find here are the same as you would use for words like bà ©nir (to bless) and finir (to finish). If you study a few of these together, each is just a little easier to remember. The first step is to identify the radical or stem of the verb. For remplir, that is rempl-. To this, different endings are added to fit both the sentences subject pronoun and its tense. This gives us, for example, je remplis for I am filling and nous remplirons for we will fill. Practicing these whenever you see someone fill something will help you commit them to memory. Present Future Imperfect je remplis remplirai remplissais tu remplis rempliras remplissais il remplit remplira remplissait nous remplissons remplirons remplissions vous remplissez remplirez remplissiez ils remplissent rempliront remplissaient The Present Participle of Remplir Useful as a verb as well as a noun or adjective in some instances, the present participle of remplir is an easy conjugation. Simply add -issant to the radical and you have remplissant. Remplir in the Compound Past Tense In French, the compound past tense is called the passà © composà ©. Its also easy to form and youll begin with the present tense conjugate of the auxiliary verb avoir appropriate to the subject. All thats left is adding the past participle rempli, which implies that the act of filling happened in the past. This leaves us with things like jai rempli for I filled and nous avons rempli for we filled. More Simple Conjugations of Remplir To question the certainty of whether something is filled or not, youll use the subjunctive form of remplir. Similarly, if it will only happen if something else does, the conditional can be used. Youll encounter the passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive only in written French as these are literary tenses. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je remplisse remplirais remplis remplisse tu remplisses remplirais remplis remplisses il remplisse remplirait remplit remplt nous remplissions remplirions remplmes remplissions vous remplissiez rempliriez rempltes remplissiez ils remplissent rempliraient remplirent remplissent The French imperative is used for short and very direct statements and the subject pronoun is not required. All you need to say is remplis rather than tu remplis. Imperative (tu) remplis (nous) remplissons (vous) remplissez
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Schizophrenia A Possible Etiology - 1590 Words
Schizophrenia: A Possible Etiology? As for me, you must know I shouldn’t precisely have chosen madness if there had been any choice. What consoles me is that I am beginning to consider madness as an illness like any other, and that I accept it as such. -in a letter to his brother Theo According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 20% of the US population may suffer from a diagnosable mental illness in any given six month period (1991). Obviously the issue of mental health warrants close scrutiny, as such illness can translate into lost work days and lost dollars. From a health care perspective, many of those suffering can be relieved of their symptoms and return to normal life, so to speak. Schizophrenia,†¦show more content†¦Too strong of a signal or one given at an inappropriate time could strengthen inaccurate connections, ones that frequently don’t receive as much attention. Thus, hyperactive CA1 neurons through DA could reinforce fantasies and trivia and cause the delusions and hallucinations of paranoid schizophrenia. (Of course, the premorbid patterns would have an effect.) (Krieckhaus, Donhoe, Morgan, 1992). When does the system go awry in schizophrenia? Unlike Parkinsonism or Huntington’s, both chronic and progressive diseases, increasing evidence points to a defective neurodevelopmental process. Brain imaging techniques have exposed a variety of structural abnormalities in persons suffering from schizophrenia, and Weinberger’s monozygotic twin studies suggest that the structural differences seen in the affected twin were likely the result of developmental defects and not genetics (Kandel). Brains of schizophrenics have shown enlarged lateral ventricles (Nasralleh, 1993) that are associated with prominent prodromal symptoms (Wright, Gill, and Murray, 1993; Randel). They also have exhibited enlarged third ventricles (Nasralleh, 1993; Wright, Gill, and Murray, 1993; Kandel), present at the onset of illness and associated with both obstetric complications (see below) and prodromal symptoms (Nasralleh, 1993). Also demonstrated were hypoplasia of medial/limbic temporal structur es, especially the hippocampus, and again present at the onsetShow MoreRelatedDiagnosis For The Etiology Of Schizophrenia821 Words  | 4 PagesIn the search for the etiology of schizophrenia, several possibilities have been investigated, including psychodynamic, autoimmune, and genetic, but two have been long pitted against each other: neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative. While there is evidence for both processes, current research is more supportive of a neurodevelopmental etiology. However, schizophrenia will likely not be explained by a single process. Since the current study did not include longitudinal studies, it is difficultRead MoreA Brief Description of Schizophrenia1135 Words  | 5 Pagesschizophrenia.com schizophrenia is a complex, debilitating mental disorder that 1-2% of the world population experience. It is a disorder of the brain that affects how people think, feel, and perceive. The purpose of this paper is to explore schizophrenia, in particular its si gns, symptoms, etiology and pathophysiology, and then examine drug treatment and their mechanism of action. This will be followed by the prognosis for people with schizophrenia. Signs and Symptoms Early signs of schizophrenia includeRead MoreClinical And Clinical Research Project1344 Words  | 6 Pagescognitive deficits associated with schizophrenia. As the clinical symptoms of this disorder emerge during early adulthood, abnormal developmental processes are thought to contribute to the pathos-physiology of the disorder. 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Compared to other mental disorders, schizophrenia is unique to having a combination of many different environmental, genetic, and biological factors. The exact cause of the disease is still unknown, but studies such as biometric and molecular screenings have proved genetic and biological factors, combined with environmental factors, is strongly connected to the etiology of the disease. Although schizophrenia is more commonly manifested during young adulthood, scientistsRead MoreNeururopsychiatric Disorders Case Study1356 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Despite strong progress in our understanding of psychiatric disorders, moving away from psychological theories of unstable ego or bad mothering1 to clear physical pathologies, the exact etiology of psychiatric diseases remains elusive. The advancements in in-vivo brain imaging and micro-array studies in the past decades have revealed much about the macroscopic and microscopic physical alterations that are happening in human patients, and has put forward a new etiological candidate: myelinRead MoreA Comparison Between Schizophrenia And Bipolar Spectrum Disorder1518 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract A comparison between schizophrenia and bipolar spectrum disorder focusing on history, etiology, treatment, and symptoms of each disease will introduce the concept of the Continuum Disease Model (CDM) as a basis for further debate and discussion on the controversial designation of schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type/depressive type). The concept of a possible connection between distinct disorders is strongly disputed between many experts due to presence of manic or hypomanic episodes asRead MoreStrengths and Weaknesses of the Biological Model and Environmental Model in Determining the Etiology of Schizophrenia3559 Words  | 15 Pagesto account for the etiology of schizophrenia. These two models, which are antecedents of the different developmental perspectives, explain how these perspectives differ and how they can be applied to gain better knowledge of the etiology of psychopathology. It is crucial to regard them in this way so as to identify their weaknesses and strengths. Biological Model and Schizophrenia Numerous scholars adopt several variants of the stress-vulnerability model of schizophrenia, and one of the mostRead MoreAccording to NAMI (), schizophrenia is a long term mental illness that interferes with a person’s1100 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to NAMI (), schizophrenia is a long term mental illness that interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, make decisions, and relate to others, impairing a person from functioning to their full potential when left untreated. For these persons affected, it is many times difficult to distinguish what is real from what is not. â€Å"Unfortunately, no single simple course of treatment exists.†Research has linked schizophrenia to a multitude of possible causes†(NAMI). As stated by NIHM
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Twilight Saga 4 Breaking Dawn 22. Promised Free Essays
Thinking of Renesmee brought her to that center-stage place in my strange, new, and roomy but distractible mind. So many questions. â€Å"Tell me about her,†i insisted as he took my hand. We will write a custom essay sample on The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 22. Promised or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being linked barely slowed us. â€Å"She’s like nothing else in the world,†he told me, and the sound of an almost religious devotion was there again in his voice. I felt a sharp pang of jealousy over this stranger. He knew her and I did not. It wasn’t fair. â€Å"How much is she like you? How much like me? Or like I was, anyway.†â€Å"It seems a fairly even divide.†â€Å"She was warm-blooded,†I remembered. â€Å"Yes. She has a heartbeat, though it runs a little bit faster than a human’s. Her temperature is a little bit hotter than usual, too. She sleeps.†â€Å"Really?†â€Å"Quite well for a newborn. The only parents in the world who don’t need sleep, and our child already sleeps through the night.†He chuckled. I liked the way he said our child. The words made her more real. â€Å"She has exactly your color eyes – so that didn’t get lost, after all.†He smiled at me. â€Å"They’re so beautiful.†â€Å"And the vampire parts?†I asked. â€Å"Her skin seems about as impenetrable as ours. Not that anyone would dream of testing that.†I blinked at him, a little shocked. â€Å"Of course no one would,†he assured me again. â€Å"Her diet†¦ well, she prefers to drink blood. Carlisle continues to try to persuade her to drink some baby formula, too, but she doesn’t have much patience with it. Can’t say that I blame her – nasty-smelling stuff, even for human food.†I gaped openly at him now. He made it sound like they were having conversations. â€Å"Persuade her?†â€Å"She’s intelligent, shockingly so, and progressing at an immense pace. Though she doesn’t speak – yet – she communicates quite effectively.†â€Å"Doesn’t. Speak. Yet†He slowed our pace further, letting me absorb this. â€Å"What do you mean, she communicates effectively?†I demanded. â€Å"I think it will be easier for you to†¦ see for yourself. It’s rather difficult to describe.†I considered that. I knew there was a lot that I needed to see for myself before it would be real. I wasn’t sure how much more I was ready for, so I changed the subject. â€Å"Why is Jacob still here?†I asked. â€Å"How can he stand it? Why should he?†My ringing voice trembled a little. â€Å"Why should he have to suffer more?†â€Å"Jacob isn’t suffering,†he said in a strange new tone. â€Å"Though I might be willing to change his condition,†Edward added through his teeth. â€Å"Edward!†I hissed, yanking him to a stop (and feeling a little thrill of smugness that I was able to do it). â€Å"How can you say that? Jacob has given up everything to protect us! What I’ve put him through – !†I cringed at the dim memory of shame and guilt. It seemed odd now that I had needed him so much then. That sense of absence without him near had vanished; it must have been a human weakness. â€Å"You’ll see exactly how I can say that,†Edward muttered. â€Å"I promised him that I would let him explain, but I doubt you’ll see it much differently than I do. Of course, I’m often wrong about your thoughts, aren’t I?†He pursed his lips and eyed me. â€Å"Explain what?†Edward shook his head. â€Å"I promised. Though I don’t know if I really owe him anything at all anymore. . . .†His teeth ground together. â€Å"Edward, I don’t understand.†Frustration and indignation took over my head. He stroked my cheek and then smiled gently when my face smoothed out in response, desire momentarily overruling annoyance. â€Å"It’s harder than you make it look, I know. I remember.†â€Å"I don’t like feeling confused.†â€Å"I know. And so let’s get you home, so that you can see it all for yourself.†His eyes ran over the remains of my dress as he spoke of going home, and he frowned. â€Å"Hmm.†After a half second of thought, he unbuttoned his white shirt and held it out for me to put my arms through. â€Å"That bad?†He grinned. I slipped my arms into his sleeves and then buttoned it swiftly over my ragged bodice. Of course, that left him without a shirt, and it was impossible not to find that distracting. ‘Til race you,†I said, and then cautioned, â€Å"no throwing the game this time!†He dropped my hand and grinned. â€Å"On your mark †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Finding my way to my new home was simpler than walking down Charlie’s street to my old one. Our scent left a clear and easy trail to follow, even running as fast as I could. Edward had me beat till we hit the river. I took a chance and made my leap early, trying to use my extra strength to win. â€Å"Ha!†I exulted when I heard my feet touch the grass first. Listening for his landing, I heard something I did not expect. Something loud and much too close. A thudding heart. Edward was beside me in the same second, his hands clamped down hard on the tops of my arms. â€Å"Don’t breathe,†he cautioned me urgently. I tried not to panic as I froze mid-breath. My eyes were the only things that moved, wheeling instinctively to find the source of the sound. Jacob stood at the line where the forest touched the Cullens’ lawn, his arms folded across his body, his jaw clenched tight. Invisible in the woods behind him, I heard now two larger hearts, and the faint crush of bracken under huge, pacing paws. â€Å"Carefully, Jacob,†Edward said. A snarl from the forest echoed the concern in his voice. â€Å"Maybe this isn’t the best way – â€Å" â€Å"You think it would be better to let her near the baby first?†Jacob interrupted. â€Å"It’s safer to see how Bella does with me. I heal fast.†This was a test? To see if I could not kill Jacob before I tried to not kill Renesmee? I felt sick in the strangest way – it had nothing to do with my stomach, only my mind. Was this Edward’s idea? I glanced at his face anxiously; Edward seemed to deliberate for a moment, and then his expression twisted from concern into something else. He shrugged, and there was an undercurrent of hostility in his voice when he said, â€Å"It’s your neck, I guess.†The growl from the forest was furious this time; Leah, I had no doubt. What was with Edward? After all that we’d been through, shouldn’t he have been able to feel some kindness for my best friend? I’d thought – maybe foolishly – that Edward was sort of Jacob’s friend now, too. I must have misread them. But what was Jacob doing? Why would he offer himself as a test to protect Renesmee? It didn’t make any sense to me. Even if our friendship had survived†¦ And as my eyes met Jacob’s now, I thought that maybe it had. He still looked like my best friend. But he wasn’t the one who had changed. What did I look like to him? Then he smiled his familiar smile, the smile of a kindred spirit, and I was sure our friendship was intact. It was just like before, when we were hanging out in his homemade garage, just two friends killing time. Easy and normal. Again, I noticed that the strange need I’d felt for him before I’d changed was completely gone. He was just my friend, the way it was supposed to be. It still made no sense what he was doing now, though. Was he really so selfless that he would try to protect me – with his own life – from doing something in an uncontrolled split second that I would regret in agony forever? That went way beyond simply tolerating what I had become, or miraculously managing to stay my friend. Jacob was one of the best people I knew, but this seemed like too much to accept from anyone. His grin widened, and he shuddered slightly. â€Å"I gotta say it, Bells. You’re a freak show.†I grinned back, falling easily into the old pattern. This was a side of him I understood. Edward growled. â€Å"Watch yourself, mongrel.†The wind blew from behind me and I quickly filled my lungs with the safe air so I could speak. â€Å"No, he’s right. The eyes are really something, aren’t they?†â€Å"Super-creepy. But it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.†â€Å"Gee – thanks for the amazing compliment!†He rolled his eyes. â€Å"You know what I mean. You still look like you – sort of. Maybe it’s not the look so much as†¦ you are Bella. I didn’t think it would feel like you were still here.†He smiled at me again without a trace of bitterness or resentment anywhere in his face. Then he chuckled and said, â€Å"Anyway, I guess I’ll get used to the eyes soon enough.†â€Å"You will?†I asked, confused. It was wonderful that we were still friends, but it wasn’t like we’d be spending much time together. The strangest look crossed his face, erasing the smile. It was almost†¦ guilty? Then his eyes shifted to Edward. â€Å"Thanks,†he said. â€Å"I didn’t know if you’d be able to keep it from her, promise or not. Usually, you just give her everything she wants.†â€Å"Maybe I’m hoping she’ll get irritated and rip your head off,†Edward suggested. Jacob snorted. â€Å"What’s going on? Are you two keeping secrets from me?†I demanded, incredulous. â€Å"I’ll explain later,†Jacob said self-consciously – like he didn’t really plan on it. Then he changed the subject. â€Å"First, let’s get this show on the road.†His grin was a challenge now as he started slowly forward. There was a whine of protest behind him, and then Leah’s gray body slid out of the trees behind him. The taller, sandy-colored Seth was right behind her. â€Å"Cool it, guys,†Jacob said. â€Å"Stay out of this.†I was glad they didn’t listen to him but only followed after him a little more slowly. The wind was still now; it wouldn’t blow his scent away from me. He got close enough that I could feel the heat of his body in the air between us. My throat burned in response. â€Å"C’mon, Bells. Do your worst.†Leah hissed. I didn’t want to breathe. It wasn’t right to take such dangerous advantage of Jacob, no matter if he was the one offering. But I couldn’t get away from the logic. How else could I be sure that I wouldn’t hurt Renesmee? Tm getting older here, Bella,†Jacob taunted. â€Å"Okay, not technically, but you get the idea. Go on, take a whiff.†â€Å"Hold on to me,†I said to Edward, cringing back into his chest. His hands tightened on my arms. I locked my muscles in place, hoping I could keep them frozen. I resolved that I would do at least as well as I had on the hunt. Worst-case scenario, I would stop breathing and run for it. Nervously, I took a tiny breath in through my nose, braced for anything. It hurt a little, but my throat was already burning dully anyway. Jacob didn’t smell that much more human than the mountain lion. There was an animal edge to his blood that instantly repelled. Though the loud, wet sound of his heart was appealing, the scent that went with it made my nose wrinkle. It was actually easier with the smell to temper my reaction to the sound and heat of his pulsing blood. I took another breath and relaxed. â€Å"Huh. I can see what everyone’s been going on about. You stink, Jacob.†Edward burst into laughter; his hands slipped from my shoulders to wrap around my waist. Seth barked a low chortle in harmony with Edward; he came a little closer while Leah retreated several paces. And then I was aware of another audience when I heard Emmett’s low, distinct guffaw, muffled a little by the glass wall between us. â€Å"Look who’s talking,†Jacob said, theatrically plugging his nose. His face didn’t pucker at all while Edward embraced me, not even when Edward composed himself and whispered â€Å"I love you†in my ear. Jacob just kept grinning. This made me feel hopeful that things were going to be right between us, the way they hadn’t been for so long now. Maybe now I could truly be his friend, since I disgusted him enough physically that he couldn’t love me the same way as before. Maybe that was all that was needed. â€Å"Okay, so I passed, right?†I said. â€Å"Now are you going to tell me what this big secret is?†Jacob’s expression became very nervous. â€Å"It’s nothing you need to worry about this second___†I heard Emmett chuckle again – a sound of anticipation. I would have pressed my point, but as I listened to Emmett, I heard other sounds, too. Seven people breathing. One set of lungs moving more rapidly than the others. Only one heart fluttering like a bird’s wings, light and quick. I was totally diverted. My daughter was just on the other side of that thin wall of glass. I couldn’t see her – the light bounced off the reflective windows like a mirror. I could only see myself, looking very strange – so white and still – compared to Jacob. Or, compared to Edward, looking exactly right. â€Å"Renesmee,†I whispered. Stress made me a statue again. Renesmee wasn’t going to smell like an animal. Would I put her in danger? â€Å"Come and see,†Edward murmured. â€Å"I know you can handle this.†â€Å"You’ll help me?†I whispered through motionless lips. â€Å"Of course I will.†â€Å"And Emmett and Jasper – just in case?†â€Å"We’ll take care of you, Bella. Don’t worry, we’ll be ready. None of us would risk Renesmee. I think you’ll be surprised at how entirely she’s already wrapped us all around her little fingers. She’ll be perfectly safe, no matter what.†My yearning to see her, to understand the worship in his voice, broke my frozen pose. I took a step forward. And then Jacob was in my way, his face a mask of worry. â€Å"Are you sure, bloodsucker?†he demanded of Edward, his voice almost pleading. I’d never heard him speak to Edward that way. â€Å"I don’t like this. Maybe she should wait – â€Å" â€Å"You had your test, Jacob.†It was Jacob’s test? â€Å"But – ,†Jacob began. â€Å"But nothing,†Edward said, suddenly exasperated. â€Å"Bella needs to see our daughter. Get out of her way.†Jacob shot me an odd, frantic look and then turned and nearly sprinted into the house ahead of us. Edward growled. I couldn’t make sense of their confrontation, and I couldn’t concentrate on it, either. I could only think about the blurred child in my memory and struggle against the haziness, trying to remember her face exactly. â€Å"Shall we?†Edward said, his voice gentle again. I nodded nervously. He took my hand tightly in his and led the way into the house. They waited for me in a smiling line that was both welcoming and defensive. Rosalie was several paces behind the rest of them, near the front door. She was alone until Jacob joined her and then stood in front of her, closer than was normal. There was no sense of comfort in that closeness; both of them seemed to cringe from the proximity. Someone very small was leaning forward out of Rosalie’s arms, peering around Jacob. Immediately, she had my absolute attention, my every thought, the way nothing else had owned them since the moment I’d opened my eyes. â€Å"I was out just two days?†I gasped, disbelieving. The stranger-child in Rosalie’s arms had to be weeks, if not months, old. She was maybe twice the size of the baby in my dim memory, and she seemed to be supporting her own torso easily as she stretched toward me.Her shiny bronze-colored hair fell in ringlets past her shoulders. Her chocolate brown eyes examined me with an interest that was not at all childlike; it was adult, aware and intelligent. She raised one hand, reaching in my direction for a moment, and then reached back to touch Rosalie’s throat. If her face had not been astonishing in its beauty and perfection, I wouldn’t have believed it was the same child. My child. But Edward was there in her features, and I was there in the color of her eyes and cheeks. Even Charlie had a place in her thick curls, though their color matched Edward’s. She must be ours. Impossible, but still true. Seeing this unanticipated little person did not make her more real, though. It only made her more fantastic. Rosalie patted the hand against her neck and murmured, â€Å"Yes, that’s her.†Renesmee’s eyes stayed locked on mine. Then, as she had just seconds after her violent birth, she smiled at me. A brilliant flash of tiny, perfect white teeth. Reeling inside, I took a hesitant step toward her. Everyone moved very fast. Emmett and Jasper were right in front of me, shoulder to shoulder, hands ready. Edward gripped me from behind, fingers tight again on the tops of my arms. Even Carlisle and Esme moved to get Emmett’s and Jasper’s flanks, while Rosalie backed to the door, her arms clutching at Renesmee. Jacob moved, too, keeping his protective stance in front of them. Alice was the only one who held her place. â€Å"Oh, give her some credit,†she chided them. â€Å"She wasn’t going to do anything. You’d want a closer look, too.†Alice was right. I was in control of myself. I’d been braced for anything – for a scent as impossibly insistent as the human smell in the woods. The temptation here was really not comparable. Renesmee’s fragrance was perfectly balanced right on the line between the scent of the most beautiful perfume and the scent of the most delicious food. There was enough of the sweet vampire smell to keep the human part from being overwhelming. I could handle it. I was sure. â€Å"I’m okay,†I promised, patting Edward’s hand on my arm. Then I hesitated and added, â€Å"Keep close, though, just in case.†Jasper’s eyes were tight, focused. I knew he was taking in my emotional climate, and I worked on settling into a steady calm. I felt Edward free my arms as he read Jasper’s assessment. But, though Jasper was getting it firsthand, he didn’t seem as certain. When she heard my voice, the too-aware child struggled in Rosalie’s arms, reaching toward me. Somehow, her expression managed to look impatient. â€Å"Jazz, Em, let us through. Bella’s got this.†â€Å"Edward, the risk – ,†Jasper said. â€Å"Minimal. Listen, Jasper – on the hunt she caught the scent of some hikers who were in the wrong place at the wrong time___†I heard Carlisle suck in a shocked breath. Esme’s face was suddenly full of concern mingled with compassion. Jasper’s eyes widened, but he nodded just a tiny bit, as if Edward’s words answered some question in his head. Jacob’s mouth screwed up into a disgusted grimace. Emmett shrugged. Rosalie seemed even less concerned than Emmett as she tried to hold on to the struggling child in her arms. Alice’s expression told me that she was not fooled. Her narrowed eyes, focused with burning intensity on my borrowed shirt, seemed more worried about what I’d done to my dress than anything else. â€Å"Edward!†Carlisle chastened. â€Å"How could you be so irresponsible?†â€Å"I know, Carlisle, I know. I was just plain stupid. I should have taken the time to make sure we were in a safe zone before I set her loose.†â€Å"Edward,†I mumbled, embarrassed by the way they stared at me. It was like they were trying to see a brighter red in my eyes. â€Å"He’s absolutely right to rebuke me, Bella,†Edward said with a grin. â€Å"I made a huge mistake. The fact that you are stronger than anyone I’ve ever known doesn’t change that.†Alice rolled her eyes. â€Å"Tasteful joke, Edward.†â€Å"I wasn’t making a joke. I was explaining to Jasper why I know Bella can handle this. It’s not my fault everyone jumped to conclusions.†â€Å"Wait,†Jasper gasped. â€Å"She didn’t hunt the humans?†â€Å"She started to,†Edward said, clearly enjoying himself. My teeth ground together. â€Å"She was entirely focused on the hunt.†â€Å"What happened?†Carlisle interjected. His eyes were suddenly bright, an amazed smile beginning to form on his face. It reminded me of before, when he’d wanted the details on my transformation experience. The thrill of new information. Edward leaned toward him, animated. â€Å"She heard me behind her and reacted defensively. As soon as my pursuit broke into her concentration, she snapped right out of it. I’ve never seen anything to equal her. She realized at once what was happening, and then†¦ she held her breath and ran away†â€Å"Whoa,†Emmett murmured. â€Å"Seriously?†â€Å"He’s not telling it right,†I muttered, more embarrassed than before. â€Å"He left out the part where I growled at him.†â€Å"Did ya get in a couple of good swipes?†Emmett asked eagerly. â€Å"No! Of course not.†â€Å"No, not really? You really didn’t attack him?†â€Å"Emmett!†I protested. â€Å"Aw, what a waste,†Emmett groaned. â€Å"And here you’re probably the one person who could take him – since he can’t get in your head to cheat – and you had a perfect excuse, too.†He sighed. â€Å"I’ve been dying to see how he’d do without that advantage.†I glared at him frostily. â€Å"I would never.†Jasper’s frown caught my attention; he seemed even more disturbed than before. Edward touched his fist lightly to Jasper’s shoulder in a mock punch. â€Å"You see what I mean?†â€Å"It’s not natural,†Jasper muttered. â€Å"She could have turned on you – she’s only hours old!†Esme scolded, putting her hand against her heart. â€Å"Oh, we should have gone with you.†I wasn’t paying so much attention, now that Edward was past the punch line of his joke. I was staring at the gorgeous child by the door, who was still staring at me. Her little dimpled hands reached out toward me like she knew exactly who I was. Automatically, my hand lifted to mimic hers. â€Å"Edward,†I said, leaning around Jasper to see her better. â€Å"Please?†Jasper’s teeth were set; he didn’t move. â€Å"Jazz, this isn’t anything you’ve seen before,†Alice said quietly. â€Å"Trust me.†Their eyes met for a short second, and then Jasper nodded. He moved out of my way, but put one hand on my shoulder and moved with me as I walked slowly forward. I thought about every step before I took it, analyzing my mood, the burn in my throat, the position of the others around me. How strong I felt versus how well they would be able to contain me. It was a slow procession. And then the child in Rosalie’s arms, struggling and reaching all this time while her expression got more and more irritated, let out a high, ringing wail. Everyone reacted as if – like me – they’d never heard her voice before. They swarmed around her in a second, leaving me standing alone, frozen in place. The sound of Renesmee’s cry pierced right through me, spearing me to the floor. My eyes pricked in the strangest way, like they wanted to tear. It seemed like everyone had a hand on her, patting and soothing. Everyone but me. â€Å"What’s the matter? Is she hurt? What happened?†It was Jacob’s voice that was loudest, that raised anxiously above the others. I watched in shock as he reached for Renesmee, and then in utter horror as Rosalie surrendered her to him without a fight. â€Å"No, she’s fine,†Rosalie reassured him. Rosalie was reassuring Jacob? Renesmee went to Jacob willingly enough, pushing her tiny hand against his cheek and then squirming around to stretch toward me again. â€Å"See?†Rosalie told him. â€Å"She just wants Bella.†â€Å"She wants me?†I whispered. Renesmee’s eyes – my eyes – stared impatiently at me. Edward darted back to my side. He put his hands lightly on my arms and urged me forward. â€Å"She’s been waiting for you for almost three days,†he told me. We were only a few feet away from her now. Bursts of heat seemed to tremble out from her to touch me. Or maybe it was Jacob who was trembling. I saw his hands shaking as I got closer. And yet, despite his obvious anxiety, his face was more serene than I had seen it in a long time. â€Å"Jake – I’m fine,†I told him. It made me panicky to see Renesmee in his shaking hands, but I worked to keep myself in control. He frowned at me, eyes tight, like he was just as panicky at the thought of Renesmee in my arms. Renesmee whimpered eagerly and stretched, her little hands grasping into fists again and again. Something in me clicked into place at that moment. The sound of her cry, the familiarity of her eyes, the way she seemed even more impatient than I did for this reunion – all of it wove together into the most natural of patterns as she clutched the air between us. Suddenly, she was absolutely real, and of course I knew her. It was perfectly ordinary that I should take that last easy step and reach for her, putting my hands exactly where they would fit best as I pulled her gently toward me. Jacob let his long arms stretch so that I could cradle her, but he didn’t let go. He shuddered a little when our skin touched. His skin, always so warm to me before, felt like an open flame to me now. It was almost the same temperature as Renesmee’s. Perhaps one or two degrees difference. Renesmee seemed oblivious to the coolness of my skin, or at least very used to it. She looked up and smiled at me again, showing her square little teeth and two dimples. Then, very deliberately, she reached for my face. The moment she did this, all the hands on me tightened, anticipating my reaction. I barely noticed. I was gasping, stunned and frightened by the strange, alarming image that filled my mind. It felt like a very strong memory – I could still see through my eyes while I watched it in my head – but it was completely unfamiliar. I stared through it to Renesmee’s expectant expression, trying to understand what was happening, struggling desperately to hold on to my calm. Besides being shocking and unfamiliar, the image was also wrong somehow – I almost recognized my own face in it, my old face, but it was off, backward. I grasped quickly that I was seeing my face as others saw it, rather than flipped in a reflection. My memory face was twisted, ravaged, covered in sweat and blood. Despite this, my expression in the vision became an adoring smile; my brown eyes glowed over their deep circles. The image enlarged, my face came closer to the unseen vantage point, and then abruptly vanished. Renesmee’s hand dropped from my cheek. She smiled wider, dimpling again. It was totally silent in the room but for the heartbeats. No one but Jacob and Renesmee was so much as breathing. The silence stretched on; it seemed like they were waiting for me to say something. â€Å"What†¦ was†¦ that?†I managed to choke out. â€Å"What did you see?†Rosalie asked curiously, leaning around Jacob, who seemed very much in the way and out of place at the moment. â€Å"What did she show you?†â€Å"Srte showed me that?†I whispered. â€Å"I told you it was hard to explain,†Edward murmured in my ear. â€Å"But effective as means of communications go.†â€Å"What was it?†Jacob asked. I blinked quickly several times. â€Å"Um. Me. I think. But I looked terrible.†â€Å"It was the only memory she had of you,†Edward explained. It was obvious he’d seen what she was showing me as she thought of it. He was still cringing, his voice rough from reliving the memory. â€Å"She’s letting you know that she’s made the connection, that she knows who you are.†â€Å"Butrtowdidshedothat?†Renesmee seemed unconcerned with my boggling eyes. She was smiling slightly and pulling on a lock of my hair. â€Å"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future?†Edward asked rhetorically, and then shrugged. â€Å"She’s gifted.†â€Å"It’s an interesting twist,†Carlisle said to Edward. â€Å"Like she’s doing the exact opposite of what you can.†â€Å"Interesting,†Edward agreed. â€Å"I wonder___†I knew they were speculating away, but I didn’t care. I was staring at the most beautiful face in the world. She was hot in my arms, reminding me of the moment when the blackness had almost won, when there was nothing in the world left to hold on to. Nothing strong enough to pull me through the crushing darkness. The moment when I’d thought of Renesmee and found something I would never let go of. â€Å"I remember you, too,†I told her quietly. It seemed very natural to lean in and press my lips to her forehead. She smelled wonderful. The scent of her skin set my throat burning, but it was easy to ignore. It didn’t strip the joy from the moment. Renesmee was real and I knew her. She was the same one I’d fought for from the beginning. My little nudger, the one who loved me from the inside, too. Half Edward, perfect and lovely. And half me – which, surprisingly, made her better rather than detracting. I’d been right all along. She was worth the fight. â€Å"She’s fine,†Alice murmured, probably to Jasper. I could feel them hovering, not trusting me. â€Å"Haven’t we experimented enough for one day?†Jacob asked, his voice a slightly higher pitch with stress. â€Å"Okay, Bella’s doing great, but let’s not push it.†I glared at him with real irritation. Jasper shuffled uneasily next to me. We were all crowded so close that every tiny movement seemed very big. â€Å"What is your problem, Jacob?†I demanded. I tugged lightly against his hold on Renesmee, and he just stepped closer to me. He was pressed right up to me, Renesmee touching both of our chests. Edward hissed at him. â€Å"Just because I understand, it doesn’t mean I won’t throw you out, Jacob. Bella’s doing extraordinarily well. Don’t ruin the moment for her.†â€Å"I’ll help him toss you, dog,†Rosalie promised, her voice seething. â€Å"I owe you a good kick in the gut.†Obviously, there was no change in that relationship, unless it had gotten worse. I glared at Jacob’s anxious half-angry expression. His eyes were locked on Renesmee’s face. With everyone pressed together, he had to be touching at least six different vampires at the moment, and it didn’t even seem to bug him. Would he really go through all this just to protect me from myself? What could have happened during my transformation – my alteration into something he hated – that would soften him so much toward the reason for its necessity? I puzzled over it, watching him stare at my daughter. Staring at her like†¦ like he was a blind man seeing the sun for the very first time. â€Å"No!†I gasped. Jasper’s teeth came together and Edward’s arms wrapped around my chest like constricting boas. Jacob had Renesmee out of my arms in the same second, and I did not try to hold on to her. Because I felt it coming – the snap that they’d all been waiting for. â€Å"Rose,†I said through my teeth, very slowly and precisely. â€Å"Take Renesmee.†Rosalie held her hands out, and Jacob handed my daughter to her at once. Both of them backed away from me. â€Å"Edward, I don’t want to hurt you, so please let go of me.†He hesitated. â€Å"Go stand in front of Renesmee,†I suggested. He deliberated, and then let me go. I leaned into my hunting crouch and took two slow steps forward toward Jacob. â€Å"You didn’t,†I snarled at him. He backed away, palms up, trying to reason with me. â€Å"You know it’s not something I can control.†â€Å"You stupid mutt How could you? My babyf He backed out the front door now as I stalked him, half-running backward down the stairs. â€Å"It wasn’t my idea, Bella!†â€Å"I’ve held her all of one time, and already you think you have some moronic wolfy claim to her? She’s mine†â€Å"I can share,†he said pleadingly as he retreated across the lawn. â€Å"Pay up,†I heard Emmett say behind me. A small part of my brain wondered who had bet against this outcome. I didn’t waste much attention on it. I was too furious. â€Å"How dare you imprint on my baby? Have you lost your mind?†â€Å"It was involuntary!†he insisted, backing into the trees. Then he wasn’t alone. The two huge wolves reappeared, flanking him on either side. Leah snapped at me. A fearsome snarl ripped through my teeth back at her. The sound disturbed me, but not enough to stop my advance. â€Å"Bella, would you try to listen for just a second? Please?†Jacob begged. â€Å"Leah, back off,†he added. Leah curled her lip at me and didn’t move. â€Å"Why should I listen?†I hissed. Fury reigned in my head. It clouded everything else out. â€Å"Because you’re the one who told me this. Do you remember? You said we belonged in each other’s lives, right? That we were family. You said that was how you and I were supposed to be. So†¦ now we are. It’s what you wanted.†I glared ferociously. I did dimly remember those words. But my new quick brain was two steps ahead of his nonsense. â€Å"You think you’ll be part of my family as my son-in-lawV I screeched. My bell voice ripped through two octaves and still came out sounding like music. Emmett laughed. â€Å"Stop her, Edward,†Esme murmured. â€Å"She’ll be unhappy if she hurts him.†But I felt no pursuit behind me. â€Å"No!†Jacob was insisting at the same time. â€Å"How can you even look at it that way? She’s just a baby, for crying out loud!†â€Å"That’s mypointl†I yelled. â€Å"You know I don’t think of her that way! Do you think Edward would have let me live this long if I did? All I want is for her to be safe and happy – is that so bad? So different from what you want?†He was shouting right back at me. Beyond words, I shrieked a growl at him. â€Å"Amazing, isn’t she?†I heard Edward murmur. â€Å"She hasn’t gone for his throat even once,†Carlisle agreed, sounding stunned. â€Å"Fine, you win this one,†Emmett said grudgingly. â€Å"You’re going to stay away from her,†I hissed up at Jacob. â€Å"I can’t do that!†Through my teeth: â€Å"Try. Starting now†â€Å"It’s not possible. Do you remember how much you wanted me around three days ago? How hard it was to be apart from each other? That’s gone for you now, isn’t it?†I glared, not sure what he was implying. â€Å"That was her,†he told me. â€Å"From the very beginning. We had to be together, even then.†I remembered, and then I understood; a tiny part of me was relieved to have the madness explained. But that relief somehow only made me angrier. Was he expecting that to be enough for me? That one little clarification would make me okay with this? â€Å"Run away while you still can,†I threatened. â€Å"C’mon,Bells! Nessie likes me, too,†he insisted. I froze. My breathing stopped. Behind me, I heard the lack of sound that was their anxious reaction. â€Å"What†¦did youcall her?†Jacob took a step farther back, managing to look sheepish. â€Å"Well,†he mumbled, â€Å"that name you came up with is kind of a mouthful and – â€Å" â€Å"You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?†I screeched. And then I lunged for his throat. How to cite The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 22. Promised, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Travel Around Usa Essay free essay sample
Durning this summer my parents and I decided to have a tour to travel around America. At the start of July a excited morning I woke up by myself and turn off the alarm i seted up last night. After we all been prepared my dad drave to the hotel where the trip will come. We had a little nice breakfast at hotel’s restaurant while we were enjoy the breakfast we heard a horn of bus that indicated that the bus has arrived, we qucikly finish the last bite then rushed into the bus. As the bus moved leisurely and little trembling had made in fall asleep really. The first place we visited were the Pocono Mountains. Procono was originally came from Pocohanne, in the graceful areas have more than a hundred different types of trees and rare animals, the gap of the tempature were only a very slight difference between the top and button of the mountain in all four season, and is one of the dramatic place for travelers at any seasons, At winter travelers have chance to see the rare color changing of leaves. We will write a custom essay sample on Travel Around Usa Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Stop to Bushkill Falls, it structured by eight different waterfalls, they came from 100 foot away siltstone and shale, the dramatic image had deeply synced into my mind. Next, we a headed to the â€Å"Salem†the outward appearence of salem just a normal quiet and , peaceful suburban district. Noone would think about Salem was place for wizards and witch to be killed on guillotine . Around 300 years ago, Salem had full of different unearthliness rumors some people use those rumors to catch attentions from traveler to spend money to visit. On the Salem has included â€Å"The Witch House†, which is for males and females who were suspected to be witch or wizard will be killed in the witch house. Also â€Å"Salem Witch Museum†, in the museum they use items on display and advance effects of videos to show the terrifying witches and wizards. The most interesting building in the Salem is the â€Å"House of Seven Gables†, it is a ghost house built based on a scary book. Night came just like a storm comes fast and leaves fast a night of rest rechared my energy, in the next morning the bright sun shine thru the windows and landed on my face, i squinted my eyes and the sun shine felt warm and comfortable, i gets up and ready to go to next scenery. After the scary Salem we went to the Marblehead, the sea breeze had refreshed our mind. The Marblehead located few miles away south east from the Salem, at Marblehead the bent paths are suitable for travel on foot, the most interesting and catching attention were the â€Å"old town†of Marblehead, becuase of the Marblehead Historic Districthave old furniture , toies and local cultures. Cape Cod is the fourth place we visited, Cape Cod divided to upper Cape, Mid Cape and Lower Cape. The upper Cape is the section near closest to the main land and famous villages are located at the upper Cape. The Mid Cape area features many beautiful beaches, including warm water beaches. The Lower Cape is the narrower portion of the cape, where it bends sharply to the north. Cape Cod form a continuous archipelagic region with a thin line of islands stretching toward New York, historically known by naturalists as the Outer Lands. The North End at Boston is the olddest community in the history, the roads are narrow with cobblestone which is very unique, and the delicious smells of italian foods flow in the air attracting the treavelers. On the Salem street breads store, coffee shop, fast food restaurent and candy bars are everywhere in this street. The Salem Street is a slice of Italy flavor in USA, the foods tasted really good and cheap, but they did not have any chairs nor tables, so we just ate outside. North end of Boston has a special characterstic. This includes the culture of the Italian people, American cultural and architectual history mixed together. North end of Boston is a such lovely place to visit. Statue of liberty is the world best symobl to represent freedom, height 150 foot, at port of New York, it was a present gift by france at hundredth independent day. The height of the statue almost same as a ten floor building, elevators are availiable and scenery up there also brilliant. The cruises to the Statue of Liberty, is also an enjoyment by standing on the deck and the gorgeous image of New York are all under your eyes. Gunnison Beach located at New Jersy, part of the Sandy Hook unit of the Gateway National Recreation Area, the largest clothing optional beach on the east coast. Gunnison attracts over 5,000 naturists per weekend in the summer. There is a large group of volleyball players at Gunnison Beach. The net is in place from early spring to late fall, some really skillful vollyball players could try to beat their championship to win a special price. We rested at hotel for a night and prepard for last to trips. Grand Canyon is a steep sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in the US. People from all over the world come to experience that at the Grand Canyon National Park, located entirely in North Arizona. With it’s vast canyons, uncharted caves and valleys, the Grand Canyon is a very popular park for hikers of all sorts, whether you are experienced or beginner, the park offers recreational activities for everyone. The Grand Canyon has much to offer from just gazing out into the amazing scenery, hiking along a rough terrain, camping with your family for a few days or visiting the Indian reservations. The Canyon is a beautiful place to visit with your family and see the spectacular canyon created not only by the erosion but also by the magnificent Colorado river. The last place we went is the Yellow Stone National park, established in 1872, Yellowstone National Park is Americas first national park, located in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, it is home to a large variety of wildlife including grizzly bears, wolves, bison, and elk. Preserved within Yellowstone National Park are old faithful and a collection of the worlds most extraordinary geysers and hot springs, and the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. In the national park we experiencd the most popular geyser in the world, and hundreds of other geysers and hot springs. View the colorful Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, and enjoy the wild beauty of Yellowstone Lake. Look for bears and wolves, elk and buffalo in the Lamar and Hayden Valleys. Discover Fort Yellowstone and learn about the parks history. Hiking, camping, fishing, enjoying exhibits and films, and attending ranger, we really had lots of fun at the YellowStone national park, and it is my favite landscape in this trip.
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