Saturday, November 30, 2019
Moving Through Change Essays - Innovation, Climate Change
Moving Through Change Brandon Spelling May 12, 2000 Essay for Exam III Moving Through Change Common people have been through many changes in history such as technological change, economic change, and political change. Common people define history as a period of change. Technology will always change history for the common people as time goes on. Technological advancements in medicine have contributed to change. Many diseases such as smallpox, measles, cholera, plague and influenza were fatal. The changes in technology have made these fatal diseases disappear. For example, the invention of penicillin and a better understanding of microbiology have advanced Western medicine and public health that tackled these fatal diseases around the world. Millions of people hoped that the new drugs and medical technologies would give them better health and longer lives. Since the technological changes have been around the population in the around the world has increased drastically. For example the new generations can expect to live twenty years longer than their parents generation and newborns could live their lives all the way through the entire twenty-first century. This is why I believe that the common people define history as a period of change. Economic change will also change history for the common people as time goes on. Communication and business cross national boundaries; global politics are increasingly driven by global economics. For example as economics change through time new markets and economic technologies begin to transform peoples lives around the world. People born today, are born into a world which has been fundamentally transformed by economic change. Millions of people can now obtain a level of affluence once reserved for the privileged few, and their futures will depend less on individual effort and creativity. This is why I believe that the common people define history as a period of change. Political change will also change history for the common people as time goes on. Political change has brought about political revolts around the world. For example in Europe students rioted and demonstrated for greater freedom against the rigid values of their parent's generation. There was also change in the United States. For example in the United States, Civil Rights Movement, fear of nuclear annihilation, and the Vietnam War was hearting a new generation on the nations college campuses. This was putting a vigorous new youth culture against the government's political decisions. Some students took to rebellion and others dropped out turning towards alternative life styles. Under pressure the government finally had the troops withdraw from Vietnam. With the end of the war, the stormy adolescence of a rebellious generation finally calmed down. Change can go up and go down, ordinary people have the power and the right to challenge the authority and change the world. This is another re ason why I believe that the common people define history as a period of change. Common people define history as a period of change. Change can be good in some cases and it can be bad. We would not have history if we did not have change. We need change in our lives with out it we would be board. Change helps us live from day to day with out change we would not survive. History Reports
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Why School Attendance Matters and Strategies to Improve It
Why School Attendance Matters and Strategies to Improve It School attendance matters. It is arguably one of the most important indicators of school success. You cannot learn what you are not there to learn. Students who attend school regularly improve their chances of being academically successful. There are obvious exceptions to both sides of the rule. There are a few students deemed academically successful who also have attendance issues and a few students who struggle academically who are always present. However, in most cases, strong attendance correlates with academic success, and poor attendance correlates with academic struggles. To understand the importance of attendance and the influence the lack thereof has, we must first define what constitutes both satisfactory and poor attendance. Attendance Works, a non-profit dedicated to improving school attendance, has categorized school attendance into three distinct categories. Students who have 9 or fewer absences are satisfactory. Those with 10-17 absences are exhibiting warning signs for potential attendance issues. Students with 18 or more absences have a clear cut chronic attendance issue. These numbers are based on the traditional 180-day school calendar. Teachers and administrators will agree that the students who need to be at school the most are the ones that are seemingly seldom there. Poor attendance creates significant learning gaps. Even if students complete the make-up work, they most likely will not learn and retain the information as well as if they had been there. Make-up work can pile up very quickly. When students return from an extended hiatus, they not only have to complete the make-up work, but they also have to contend with their regular classroom assignments. Students often make the decision to rush through or completely ignore the make-up work so that they can keep pace with their regular class studies. Doing this naturally creates a learning gap and causes the student’s grades to drop. Over time, this learning gap increases to the point where it becomes nearly impossible to close. Chronic absenteeism will lead to frustration for the student. The more they miss, the more difficult it becomes to catch up. Eventually, the student gives up altogether putting them on a path towards being a high school dropout. Chronic absenteeism is a key indicator that a student will drop out. This makes it even more critical to find early intervention strategies to prevent attendance from ever becoming an issue. The amount of schooling missed can quickly add up. Students who enter school at kindergarten and miss an average of 10 days per year until they graduate high school will miss 140 days. According to the definition above, this student would not have an attendance problem. However, all together that student would miss nearly an entire year of school when you add everything together. Now compare that student with another student who has a chronic attendance issue and misses an average of 25 days a year. The student with a chronic attendance issue has 350 missed days or almost two entire years. It is no wonder that those who have attendance issues are almost always further behind academically than their peers who have satisfactory attendance. Strategies to Improve School Attendance Improving school attendance can prove to be a difficult endeavor. Schools often have very little direct control in this area. Most of the responsibility falls on the student’s parents or guardians, especially the elementary aged ones. Many parents simply do not understand how important attendance is. They do not realize how quickly missing even a day a week can add up. Furthermore, they do not understand the unspoken message that they are relaying to their children by allowing them to miss school regularly. Finally, they do not understand that they are not only setting their children up to fail in school, but also in life. For these reasons, it is essential that elementary schools in particular focus on educating parents on the value of attendance. Unfortunately, most schools operate under the assumption that all parents already understand how important attendance is, but that those whose children have a chronic attendance issue are simply ignoring it or do not value education. The truth is that most parents want what is best for their children, but have not learned or been taught what that is. Schools must invest a significant amount of their resources to educate their local community adequately on the importance of attendance. Regular attendance should play a part in the daily anthem of a school and a critical role in defining the culture of a school. The fact is that every school has an attendance policy. In most cases, that policy is only punitive in nature meaning that it simply provides parents with an ultimatum that essentially says â€Å"get your child to school or else.† Those policies, while effective for a few, will not deter many for whom it has become easier to skip school than it is to attend. For those, you have to show them and prove to them that attending school on a regular basis will help lead to a brighter future. Schools should be challenged to develop attendance policies and programs that are more preventive in nature than they are punitive. This begins with getting to the root of the attendance issues on an individualized level. School officials must be willing to sit down with parents and listen to their reasons for why their children are absent without being judgmental. This allows the school to form a partnership with the parent wherein they can develop an individualized plan for improving attendance, a support system for follow through, and a connection to outside resources if necessary. This approach will not be easy. It will take a lot of time and resources. However, it is an investment that we should be willing to make based on how important we know attendance to be. Our goal should be to get every child to school so that the effective teachers we have in place can do their jobs. When that happens, the quality of our school systems will improve significantly.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Job Likes and Dislikes Listening Comprehension Quiz
Job Likes and Dislikes Listening Comprehension Quiz In this listening comprehension you will hear a man speaking about what he likes and dislikes about his job. Listen to what he says and decide whether the following statements are true or false. You will hear the listening twice. Try to listen without reading the listening transcript. After you have finished, check your answers below the to see if you have answered the questions correctly. Job Likes and Dislikes Quiz The first thing he does is go to the common room.He cleans the rooms when they are empty.He always helps out in the canteen.He usually washes the stairs.He finishes in the afternoon.He likes the routine nature of his job.He feels that it is degrading picking up cigarette butts.He is a millionaire.He likes the flexibility of his job.He enjoys the company of the students.He learns a lot on his job about other cultures.What is the name of his job? Listening Transcript Well, I come into work at eight oclock, and the first thing I do is collect my keys. Then I go to the common room. I sweep up and I do the floors, and I also check the toilets. And when there are no students in the classrooms, I empty the waste bins, and clean the rooms. And I also help in the canteen when the girl is ill to do the teas and coffees. And I usually sweep the stairs and then give them a good wash over. I usually finish at about two oclock. What I particularly hate about my job is having to be at work for a specific time and leave off at a certain time and have to follow a certain pattern all the time. And another thing I hate doing is picking up cigarette ends and dirty tissues. Its really degrading picking things up that have been in peoples mouths. God, if I were paid for every cigarette end and tissue Id picked up, Id be a millionaire. What I really like about my job is that I can work on my own, and I can decide when I do something. If I dont feel like doing it today, I can do it tomorrow. I also find the students extremely friendly. They will come and talk to you in their breaks or their free time. They tell you all about their country, customs, habits, etc. and its ever so interesting. I really enjoy it. Job Likes and Dislikes Quiz Answers False - He gets his keys.TrueFalse - Only when the girl is ill. True - He cleans and washes the stairs.True - He finishes at two oclock.False - He doesnt like being at work and leaving at a certain time.True - He really hates it.False - He would be if he were paid for every cigarette end and tissues he has cleaned up!True - He can choose when he does the various tasks.True - They are really friendly.True - They tell him about their native countries.Janitor, Sanitary engineer
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
MGT 7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MGT 7 - Assignment Example In this case the firm strives to drive down cost for every single production components ranging from labour costs to sourcing of raw materials. To accomplish cost leadership the firm usually requires production on large scale so as to capitalize on â€Å"economies of scale†. Production in large scale means that the company will naturally appeal to a wider aspect of the given market. Cost leadership is therefore a wide scope strategy. A business practicing cost leadership gains competitive advantage through reduction of production costs, thus increasing profit margins on every sale since the company trusts that its trademark can control a premium price. Secondly a firm can reduce production costs and pass on the cost savings to consumers hoping to boost sales as well as market share. Examples of companies practicing cost leadership include Wal-Mart Stores which implements everyday low prices so as to attract consumers. This idea of reduced prices is aimed at providing products at cheaper rate than competition on a frequent basis as opposed to relying to sales. Thus Walmart achieves this due to its efficient supply chain in addition to its large scale. The second example of a firm using cost leadership is IKEA which is a Swedish leader in furniture making. This company provides cheap but classy furniture. IKEA manages to offer low prices by sourcing its materials in countries with low-wage as well as providing extremely simple service level. The third company utilising cost leadership is Southwest Airlines. The airline managed to provide the lowest achievable prices by becoming more effective than conventional airlines. Southwest Airlines thus minimizes the time their planes use while on tarmac so as to have them flying, thus keeping profits up. In addition, they provide very little in terms of extra thrills to their customers, but instead trickle down the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Local and Global policy contexts for senior schooling Essay
Local and Global policy contexts for senior schooling - Essay Example Not only does this form of education bring in an immense form of economic growth to the country but is also assists in a great improvement in the quality of life available (Pollard 2003). Thus, while the individual benefits from this type of education by securing better paying and working conditions, the country also benefits in the form of economic growth and a higher standard of living. However, there are certain factors which continue to affect the rates of post compulsory education. If not controlled they can harness and affect the rates at which this type of education is excelling and spreading today. A change in taste, cyclical factors and interventions by government policy makers might all be responsible for harnessing the growth of post compulsory education today. Most education systems require their students to stay in school till the age of fifteen. Thus, the education system does not require the child to attend school till any specific class, instead deciding on a legal age to leave school. The progression made in post compulsory education is checked through statistics and studies which examine the change in rates. In Australia, the participation rates showed that half of all students above the required school age continued with their education. The number of females who preferred to stay within this system was also higher than those of male retention rates. The grades obtained by these students were also great with the students achieving a higher grade in classes 11 and 12 then they had before. However, the study showed the females preferring to gain a higher education and achieving higher grades with far more persistence than their male counterparts (Lewis & Koshy). The participation in this type of education system is observed through two factors: the demand for post compulsory education and the supply for post compulsory education. But because no school system forbids or prevents an individual from achieving a secondary education, the demand for it proves to be far more effective in understand the reasons behind the participation in this education method. There are several factors affecting the rates of education in the post compulsory sector. The student has to be able to divide the costs and benefits they will achieve from obtaining this education. This includes the full-time or part-time opportunities that are available to them before they leave school. Thus, by participating in a continued education system, the individual forgoes the chance of being part of the labour market and earning wages. The diminishing job opportunities available to these students led them to drop the idea of working after the legal education age and pursue a higher education (ABS Labor Force). Yet, the job must also be able to provide adequate wages for the student to prefer it over an education system. This is because wages are the main reason behind the youth choosing to participate in the labor force (Long, Carpenter & Hayden). If the wages factor was removed from the labour force then most individuals would seek to continue with their studies. Where the student is incapable of finding a job they are able to find a trainee or apprenticeship program which teaches them the ethics
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Grade World History Essay Example for Free
Grade World History Essay Before King Leopold the II of Belgium colonized the Congo, it was known for its independence. It was the ideal place to be for the Europeans. It was geographically diverse, it had mineral enriched soils, deposits of gold, diamonds copper and manganese, and it had a large animal population, lots of plants. King Leopold saw potential in the Congo and made it his. He had an American man, Henry Stanley; secure treaties with all the local chiefs. With those he had complete power of the land. Imperialism on the Belgian Congo had a negative affect in many ways, including geographically, politically and psychologically. One of the major impacts is psychological. Psychological impacts are ones that mess with people’s emotions. King Leopold was a man who did not care about other peoples emotions or their state of being; he cared about himself and how much money he was going to make with the Congo. To quote a Congolese states on the amount of psychological torture he put some of the Congolese people in: â€Å"I ran away with two old people, but they were caught and killed, and the soldiers made me carry the baskets holding their cut-off hands. They killed my little sister, threw her in a house and set it on fire.†(8) The person that is talking sounds like a child. If a child was going through this, which many did, witnessing something this horrifying can be very emotionally scarring. Another impact would be economical. An economic impact is one that affects the business part of things, such as labor systems. â€Å"Tell them [the rubber agents] that we cannot and therefore will not find rubber; we are willing to spend our strength at any work possible, but the rubber is finished. If we must either be massacred or bring rubber, well, let them kill us; then we suppose they will be satisfied.†(20) This quote is from a village headman to Reverend Harris, a British missionary. This is from a workers point of view. It shows economic impact because it has to do with the rubber industry, which was very important in the Congo. A third impact on the Congo is political. Political impact has to do with government or people in government. One quote that gives an example of political impact is one by Reverend Whitehead, â€Å"Their chiefs are being weakened in their prestige and physique through imprisonment which is often cruel, and thus weakened in their authority over their own people they are put into chains for the shortage of manioc bread.†This means that Leopold and his people are forcing the native Congolese to back down in their government so Leopold has more power. Britain was also very involved in the Congo Free State. They were interested in the trading system it had. This effects Britain because it brought in new products to be sold, and potentially could make them money. It is important to study issues like this today so nobody makes the same mistake twice. In conclusion, imperialism in the Congo had an overall negative affect on it. Imperialism affected, not only psychologically, but also politically and economically. King Leopold II never had good intentions for the Congolese people, he just had his own self in mind.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Egyptian Art Essay -- essays research papers
Egyptian Art was once considered to be unchanged, when viewing this art as a whole. Egyptian Art seems to be repetitive pattern of images and ideas. Yet all of these images are uniquely different. Ranging from 3000b.c to 50b.c. Taking the same principles through out the entire period. Which consists of Old, Middle and New Kingdoms. Each dynasty had a different addition to the basic concepts that were established in the beginning, ideas of the artist grew faster and better. Many cultures shared from the influence of Egyptian Art. Even if it was not copied, their artwork was either compared or contrasted with that of the Greeks, Romans, Summerians, Assyrians and Persians. All in one way or another form have come in contact with Egyptian Art.      Art is different variations of expression, either self-expression or cultural. From painting, sculpture, architecture, to funeral preparations to pottery. Art is also a form of communication. Communicating ideas theories or even history. Expressing ideas that cannot be done with words. To take something that is thought to be intangible and shape and mold it into something that can be seen or touched. One culture takes another culture’s work and either copies or changes it, to fit into their views and principles. Sometimes the artwork can be viewed differently between two cultures. Yet they can have the same purpose. For example Mycenaean tomb was compared to the tombs of the New and Middle Kingdom. The tombs w...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Global Burden Of The Disease Health And Social Care Essay
Cervical malignant neoplastic disease is a major public wellness issue ; it is the 2nd most common malignant neoplastic disease among adult females in the universe, and one of taking cause of decease by gynaecologic malignant tumor in developing states. ( I. Shahramian and co-workers 2011 ) Besides, cervical malignant neoplastic disease is one of the most preventable and curable malignant neoplastic disease when it is detected early, and this is due to its slow patterned advance, since it take several old ages to turn from a noticeable precursor lesion. This cardinal characteristic provides a big window of about 10 old ages or more for effectual early sensing of the precancerous lesion, and forestalling its patterned advance to invasive malignant neoplastic disease. From this position, good organized bar attacks have been applied by high income states over the past 50 old ages, and have resulted in a singular diminution in morbidity and mortality from this invasive disease. The showing plan is a successful illustration for effectual bar from cervical malignant neoplastic disease, it has been used in the Nordic states ( Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden ) ; this plan was examined by the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) in 1960s and it was found that the mortality rate in these states fell by about three- 4th, The most drastic lessening was marked in Iceland by 84 % and this was due to the broad mark age scope for testing in this state. ( whomb people ) However, over the same period, developing states have failed through utilizing the same plan to cut down the load of the disease, and cervical malignant neoplastic disease continues to endanger the lives of 1000s of adult females, this may be due to the deficiency of an effectual bar scheme. We will seek in this paper to reexamine the determiners of cervical malignant neoplastic disease testing among Algerian adult females, to clarify the outstanding barriers sing showing and to foreground the chief factors act uponing the single wellness behavior, for this survey, we will utilize the Health Belief Model as a conceptual model, we will explicate the construction of the Health Belief Model ( Becker ) and how the different concepts of the theoretical account could foretell the adult females ‘s wellness behavior sing cervical tumor showing, eventually the application of this theoretical account as a guiding model to anchor behavioral intercessions and to better attitude of adult females sing malignant neoplastic disease showing will be discussed.Epidemiology of cervical cancer/ planetary load of the diseaseGlobal overviewWorldwide, cervical malignant neoplastic disease is the 2nd most common cause of decease among adult females ( ACCP2004 ) with an estimation of 493,00 0 new instances, and 274,000 deceases happening every twelvemonth harmonizing to the statistics of the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( GLOBOCAN, 2002 ) In 2008, 530000 new instances were diagnosed, more than 85 % of the planetary load were registered in developing states ( where it remains the most common malignant neoplastic disease seen in adult females and it accounts for 13 % of all female malignant neoplastic diseases ) , In the same twelvemonth, the cervical malignant neoplastic disease was responsible for 275000 deceases, approximately 88 % of which occurred in developing states 53000 instances in Africa, 31700 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 159000 instances in Asia. ( GLOBOCAN 2008 ) The figure below shows incidence of cervical malignant neoplastic disease by state, it should be noted that informations from developing states might be underestimated as the official statistics in these states are non dependable. hypertext transfer protocol: // overviewAlgeria is a big North African state, extended from the Mediterranean Sea down to the Sahara, with about 37 million dwellers. Algeria has a population of 11,51millions of adult females whose ages are 15 old ages and older, ( WHO/ICO2010 ) which means that about the tierce of the Algerian population is at hazard of developing cervical malignant neoplastic disease. Cervical malignant neoplastic disease is the 2nd most common malignant neoplastic disease among Algerian adult females after the chest malignant neoplastic disease, â€Å" Current estimations indicate that every twelvemonth 1398 adult females are diagnosed with cervical malignant neoplastic disease and 797 dice from the disease †( WHO/ICO2010 ) About 10, 5 % of Algerian adult females are estimated harbour cervical HPV, and about 77, 1 % of cervical malignant neoplastic diseases in Algeria are related to HPV 16 or 18. ( WHO/ICO 2010 ) But we should observe that even these statistics might be underestimated, The economic impact of cervical malignant neoplastic disease is significantly heavy for the province. The intervention of a individual patient returns to about 2.5 million dinars ( a‚ ¬ 20,000 ) , with this cost we we can accomplish 2000 vilifications ( smear trial cost 20 a‚ ¬ ) and vaccinate 30 adult females.Natural history of cervical malignant neoplastic diseaseUnderstanding the procedure of developing cervical malignant neoplastic disease is a important measure to plan an effectual plan of bar. More than 99 % instances of cervical malignant neoplastic disease are attributed to cervical HPV infection, which is a sexually transmitted disease ( STD ) , the virus is acquired by both work forces and adult females through sexual activity, the infection is normally symptomless and transient. HPV is the most common STD in the universe ; it affects â€Å" about 50 % to 80 % of sexually active adult females at least one time in their life-time †( ACCP 2004 ) , they contract it in their adolescent, 20 or early 30s. There are more than 100 genotypes of HPV that have been identified, and which are numbered by order of their find, approximately 13 types can take to invasive cervical malignant neoplastic disease and they are known as high oncogenic hazard ( 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66 ) ( WHO 2007 ) The two most common are 16 and 18 doing about 70 % of all invasive cervical carcinoma ( 60 % related to HPV 16 and 10 % to HPV 18 ) the whom people The others types of HPV are known as low hazard and they normally associated with venereal warts ( particularly 6 and 11 ) which can turn in the venereal portion in both work forces and adult females ( neck, anus, vulva, vagina, phallus, and scrotum ) and they cause a important morbidity. ( WHO2007 ) , They are really seldom associated with cervical malignant neoplastic disease, but can take to low class alterations in cervical cells which are really similar to those caused by high hazard types. These low lesions are symptomless and impermanent, nevertheless, in some fortunes can germinate and take to high lesion or invasive malignant neoplastic disease. Table: summarizes the different phases taking to cervical malignant neoplastic disease ( ACCP2004 )HPV infectionLow-grade lesionsHigh-grade lesionsInvasive malignant neoplastic diseaseHPV infection is highly common among adult females of generative age. The infection can prevail, take to cervical abnormalcies, or decide on its ain. Low-grade lesions are normally impermanent and vanish over clip. Some instances, nevertheless, advancement to top-quality lesions. High-grade lesions, the precursor to cervical malignant neoplastic disease, are significantly less common than low-grade lesions. High- grade lesions can develop from low-grade 1s or straight from relentless HPV infection. Invasive malignant neoplastic disease develops over the class of several old ages and is most common among adult females in their 50s and 60s. Beginning: Adapted from PATH 2000. HPV is a necessary cause but non sufficient to come on from HPV infection to invasive cervical malignant neoplastic disease, there are other lifestyle factors that increase the chance to develop the malignant neoplastic disease including high para, immature age at first bringing, being in polygamous matrimony, adult females with hubby ‘s adulterous sexual relationship ( D. Hammouda and co-workers 2004, 2011 ) , long term usage of unwritten contraceptive method, baccy smoke, certain dietetic lacks, hapless sanitation, multiple sex spouse, low socio economic position, and life in a rural environment. In add-on, co-infection with HIV, Chlamydia Trachomatis, and Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 ( HSV 2 ) . , ( whomb people ) HPV was incriminated in many other anogenital malignant neoplastic disease ( anus, vulva, vagina, and phallus ) and malignant neoplastic diseases of the caput and cervix. Understanding that HPV is the primary implicit in cause of cervical malignant neoplastic disease has focused attending on the potency of early sensing of the infection through the cervical showing. Screening for cervical malignant neoplastic disease is based on the usage of the Papanicolaou cytology technic ( Pap smear trial ) in which doctors or nurses expose the neck by speculum and take cells from the squamous epithelial tissue and transmutation zone to observe unnatural precancerous cells. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology suggest that adult females should have the first testing trial 3 old ages after the first sexual intercourse They besides recommend that adult females should go on having cytology testing annually until the age of 30, from than they can have it every 3 old ages. Harmonizing to the same college, menopausal adult females have a lower opportunity to develop unnatural cervical cells ; nevertheless, there is no upper age bound to halt the showing. ( Whom people ) Primary bar have focused on hygiene and cut downing hazards factor by â€Å" cut downing the figure of sexual spouses and promoting the usage of barrier preventive particularly rubbers, †( ACCP2004 ) Recently a new vaccinum which has the potency to protect against certain type of HPV infection ( 16 and 18 ) has been licensed to underpin the preventative plan against cervical malignant neoplastic disease. The vaccinum has been used in many developed states and shown great consequences in cut downing the load of the disease, but it has non been introduced in Algeria yetPap smear as a cervical malignant neoplastic disease testing trialAlgeria is one of the development states where cervical malignant neoplastic disease remains a major wellness public issue. although the application of testing plan, a big population remain under screened, the result are really modest and the incidence of cervical malignant neoplastic disease is ever high and this could be contributed to the deficiency of consciousness about testing trial among adult females and some specific cultural wellness beliefs barriers, non surprisingly that big proportion of the patients are diagnosed with advanced phase of th e invasive cervical malignant neoplastic disease, interestingly, even most of the wellness attention suppliers have ne'er had a pap vilification. ( ref hazard factor ) . Surveies show that comprehensive cervical malignant neoplastic disease showing is modest in low resources states ; hence a low engagement in Pap vilification and a low follow up when it is done the first clip. It has been stated that testing plan in these states and even among minorities and Aboriginal adult females faced many obstructions ; deficiency of sufficient research lab substructure, high cost of wellness attention, unequal trained wellness attention suppliers, absence of supplier ‘s recommendation and a deficiency of appropriate educational plans in these states that indicate the hazard factors of this disease, the importance of testing at early phase, and the power of the Pap smear trial to observe the disease in its premalignant phase and so the possibility of full remedy and bar. ( S.T. Tavafian 2012 ) In add-on to these financess and human resources lacks that can hindrance an effectual and organised testing intercession, there is besides the deficiency of cognition from the patients sing preventable cervical malignant neoplastic disease every bit good as the socio-cultural position barriers, such as embarrassment from pelvic scrutiny that have been argued as one of taking obstruction to non having testing trial, ( S.T. Tavafian 2012 ) another factor is the fright of topic and the entrenched belief that malignant neoplastic disease can non be cured, the deficiency of optimum cognition about testing patterns ; this utmost fatalistic attitude about malignant neoplastic disease among different states lead adult females to see diagnosing as a â€Å" decease sentence †and so the turning away of the trial, ( V.Thomas and co-workers 2005 ) there is besides undertakings identified spiritual beliefs, the limited linguistic communication ability as another major perceived barrier, t he deficiency of societal support, the low socio economic position and the unequal functional wellness literacy. There is a survey that has been conducted in Spanish among low income Latinas, that found that adult females with unequal functional wellness literacy are 16 times less likely to have a Pap smear trial ( S.T. Tavafian 2012 ) It has been illustrated that Individual ‘s beliefs, cultural background, cognition about a peculiar unwellness are significantly interconnected with the health care seeking and wellness promotional behavior, Al-Neggar and his co-workers concluded that some misconceptions and incorrect beliefs may carry on to the hapless pattern of cervical malignant neoplastic disease testing among adult females, despite the equal cognition sing the hazard factors ( Al-Neggar and co-worker ( 2010 ) . One of theoretical theoretical accounts that could be used to place the determiner of malignant neoplastic disease showing and measure the influence of people ‘s beliefs on their determinations to take up malignant neoplastic disease showing is the wellness belief theoretical account. Harmonizing to the constructs of this theoretical account, persons are more likely to take up testing if they are motivated plenty about their wellness, and they regard themselves as susceptible to develop malignant neoplastic disease, believe that effectual intercession would be good to cut down the susceptibleness and the badness of the status.Health belief theoretical account as a theoretical model for foretelling behaviorThe wellness belief theoretical account is one of the theory the most normally used in wellness publicity and wellness instruction, ( chapter 4 ) it was developed in the early 1950s by a group of societal psychologists to explicate the widespread failure of people to follow the disease preventative plans suggested and testing trial recommended to observe and forestall the disease at its symptomless phase, Subsequently it was applied to analyze the response of patients to diagnosed disease and their conformity with prescribed medical regimens. ( Nancy and co-workers 1984 ) This theoretical account aims to explicate the patient ‘s ideas procedure behind his preventative attitude instead than his behavior after acquiring the unwellness. The underlying construct of the theoretical account is that wellness behavior and willingness of people to prosecute in a preventative plan or to take up a screening trial are determined by personal beliefs and perceptual experience of the disease in add-on to the different resources available to forestall its happening, ( chapter 4 ) The theoretical account provides guidelines to develop schemes for effectual intercession and execution by leting contrivers to understand the grounds for non conformity with the recommended suggested preventative systems. This theoretical account assumes that person ‘s wellness behavior is determined by five psychological factors: perceived susceptibleness, perceived earnestness, ref perceived benefits and perceived barriers to effectual conformity ; cues to set into action, late, there are others concepts that have been added to the theoretical account called modifying or actuating factors such as mass media enterprises, run, personal stuffs, societal support, wellness professional and self-efficacy. ( V.Thomas and collegues 2005 )Copier le tableauArticulation of cervical malignant neoplastic disease testing behavior to the HBM modelIn this subdivision ; I will seek through the concepts of the Health Belief Model to explicate the relationship between adult females ‘s belief and wellness behavior in Algeria Perceived susceptibleness: personal hazard or susceptibleness is referred to the personal belief about the likeliness of undertaking a disease ( S.T. Tavafian 2012 ) , it is one of the most powerful factor that influence people to follow a healthy behavior, â€Å" the greater the perceived hazard, the greater the likeliness of prosecuting in behaviors to diminish the hazard ( chapter4 ) . For testing plan, adult female will be interested to take up a smear trial if she is cognizant plenty of the possibility to acquire cervical malignant neoplastic disease by undertaking HPV infection, and that she is exposed to this hazard every bit long as she is sexually active. The HBM predicts that adult females are more likely to follow with cervical malignant neoplastic disease testing recommendation if they believe that they have risk factor of cervical malignant neoplastic disease ( Glanz et and co-workers 2008 ) , and frailty versa, the belief of non being at hazard for cervical malignant neoplastic disease or HPV infection preclude ( deter, empeche ) adult females to prosecute in such plan, And this is why most virgin adult females in Algeria underestimate the necessity ( believe the futility ) of smear trial as they think they are protected from the hazard of HPV infection because they are non married. Or in other words, because there is no sexual intercourse, virgin adult female does non comprehend her exposure to cervical malignant neoplastic disease, although surveies show that HPV has been found in some female virgins, which means that the virus does non ever necessitate perforating sex to be transmitted, And that it may be spread through non pe rforating sexual contact ; and even within married adult females, the construct that HPV infection is related to multiple sex spouse make them believe they are safe from the hazard since they have one spouse, disregarding the hubby sexual behavior, as many work forces in Algeria have adulterous sexual relationship underground that the married woman unawares, and so she does n't see herself as susceptible to the hazard. Another badgering factor is that youngest adult females consider malignant neoplastic disease to be an aged disease, while older adult females harmonizing to cervical showing age bound might believe that they are no longer at hazard ref ( V.Thomas 2005 ) , and so there is a incorrect perceive of susceptibleness. Perceived badness: refers to the earnestness of the disease as assessed by the patient, it is normally based on medical information or personal cognition from telecasting, wireless or cusps, or it may come from the belief of a individual about the effects that would make a peculiar disease whatever clinical such as decease, disablement, or societal like household life and societal dealingss ( chapter4 ) , ( S.T. Tavafian 2012 ) , For testing trial, if adult females believe that cervical tumor is a terrible disease that would take to serious troubles for her and her household, she will see bar as a precedence and so she is more likely to have a Pap smear trial. Besides holding knowledge about Pap smear trial and its importance to observe the invasive disease at early phase will actuate her to have one, because many adult females realise the badness of cervical malignant neoplastic disease but lack cognition of testing plan, and available service. Despite the acknowledgment that cervical malignant neoplastic disease is a serious issue, most of adult females in Algeria believe that there is no intervention, which make them see testing trial as futile and this possibly reflects the spiritual beliefs and the cultural background that may act upon their attitude, Algeria population as most of Muslims agree that unwellness, recovery and decease are all determined from God, so â€Å" The bulk believe that testing would non protract their lives and when the clip of decease comes no 1 can force it off †( K, Salman2011 ) Another point is that the fright from possibility of designation unnatural cells would needfully take to other probes frequently influence the willingness of the adult females to go to, particularly when there is no 1 to watch the kids during the showing and the deficiency of important support. ( chapter4 ) In Algeria, as in many other Arabic states, â€Å" malignant neoplastic disease showing is normally recommended for diagnostic intents instead than being used as a tool for secondary bar †( K, Salman2011 ) most of adult females consider the absence of seeable symptoms as a mark of good wellness hence they do non seek wellness attention unless the disease manifests itself and starts to disenable her day-to-day activities, and so the malignant neoplastic disease is frequently diagnosed at its advanced phase. Perceived benefits is about the individual ‘s sentiment on how much may new behaviour lessening the hazard of a peculiar disease, the HBM predicts that most people have tendency to follow new behavior which is seen as a healthy behavior when they believe the capableness of this new behavior to diminish their hazard of developing a disease ( Glanz and Colleagues 2008 ) Perceived benefits play a major function in the acceptance of secondary preventative intercessions such as showing, for illustration, if adult females believe that Pap smear is of import for early sensing of the precancerous lesions and bar of malignant neoplastic disease that will actuate them to take part in secondary bar pattern by seeking cheques up and periodic showing. Therefore adult females are non expected to prosecute in any screening plan unless they perceive that this plan is potentially good to cut down the hazard, and so wellness attention suppliers should explicate to the patient the ability of testing trial to observe alterations in neck before they develop to malignant neoplastic disease, which make intervention easier and bar effectual. Sensed barriers: relate to the person ‘s vision of the obstructions he will confront if he decides to follow a new behavior. In order to set about a recommended behavior, a individual needs to believe that the benefits expected from it outweigh the results of his old behavior ; this enables him to get the better of the sensed barriers and to follow the new behavior ( chapter4 ) For illustration, if adult female believes that benefits of undergoing a screening trial outweigh the obstructions that she may confront, she is more likely to obtain Pap trial. Previous surveies have showed that adult females who perceived the Pap smear testing as a painful and awkward procedure were less likely to obtain cervical malignant neoplastic disease showing, in the same surveies adult females reported many cause that deter them to take the action, such as a negative old experience, included hurting, hemorrhage, or being faced with inexperient practician who did n't explicate the process to them during taking the sample, linguistic communication troubles was another barrier due the perceive that she will be unable to pass on decently with the wellness attention supplier, and to construct a trusting relationship. Even those who appreciated the necessity of the showing, the fright of the trial procedure was a great obstruction for them, as most of adult females find it uncomfortable, and perceive the metal speculum as a painful instrument. ( Abdullah 2009 ) Shyness is another major hinderance that may discourage testing procedure, and It is really common for adult females to decline to uncover her organic structure parts to undergo a physical test or a medical processs particularly when the wellness supplier is a adult male, and even the treatment about a sensitive wellness issue like matrimonial relationship, sexual activity and reproductively is regarded as really private, and should n't be disclosed to other people, particularly work forces, and even hubby may sometimes non be involved in his married woman ‘s wellness issue if it is related to her generative variety meats. ( K, Salman2011 ) Cues to action: are the ensemble of events, things, people that motivate a individual to alter his behavior, and this can be aggregate media such as telecasting, wireless, advice from a household or friends, cusps, information booklet, runs, recommendation from wellness supplier, ( chapter4 ) Womans are more likely to take up a pap trial if she receives adequate information about the benefits of the trial from her GP or Gynaecologist, if she receives advice from another adult female who had the trial, if she is encouraged by a member of her household particularly the hubby or if she knows person in her cortege with a history of malignant neoplastic disease, all those factors are susceptible to cut down the sensed barriers to malignant neoplastic disease showing. Perceived self-efficacy: it refers to the belief of the individual in his ain ability to follow the behavior required, because people by and large do n't prosecute in making something unless they believe they are able to accomplish it. ( Chapter 4 ) Modifying factors: in add-on to what it has been already said, There are other factors that seem to act upon the willingness of adult females to take up the trial such as unequal cognition about the showing, deficiency of swearing relationship with the wellness provide, deficiency of assurance in the importance of the trial, high cost of the trial, fright of the consequence of the trial and superstitious notion that speaking about malignant neoplastic disease would convey it, some stigmata imposed by the community and even sometimes the household that cervical malignant neoplastic disease is related to promiscuousness, Perception of the Pap vilification as a menace for the adult female ‘s virginity, some fatalistic attitude that unwellness, recovery and decease are associating to â€Å" god ‘s will †and that testing trial is futile, Low socioeconomic position, deficiency of societal support, poorness, deficiency of wellness insurance ( J.Hatcher and co-workers 201 1 ) , childhood sexual maltreatment, fleshiness, low degrees of instruction, kid attention, deficiency of transit.Cervical malignant neoplastic disease screening- publicity intercessions based on HBMToday, the HBM is used by many research workers to guideline the development of schemes for effectual wellness intercession, In this subdivision, I will seek to summarize some determination from the different intercessions based HBM that push me to propose this theoretical account to better adult females ‘s behavior in Algeria. The wellness belief theoretical account has been used by several survey, entirely or combined with other wellness publicity theoretical accounts to and to better belief and behavior among adult females sing the showing plan, an illustration of this survey, has been conducted in Iran, in 2010, this survey showed that the â€Å" HBM has formed the footing for an interventional plan to better behavior among Persian adult females †, ( S.Tavafian2012 ) , The survey was conducted with 70 volunteers- aged between 16 and 54 old ages, and they had ne'er received Pap trial, the participants were divided into many little groups, and each group underwent a session of 2 hr preparation. For the informations aggregation tool, a self-administered multi-choice questionnaire was developed based on the constructs of the HBM. The personal belief and wellness pattern of all the adult females were assessed pre intercession and four months subsequently, the findings reported that wellness instructi on based on HBM concept was effectual, and could advance the participant ‘s cognition and better the different constituents of the theoretical account ( sensed susceptibleness, badness, benefits, and barriers ) .The developing plan that has been used enhanced the willingness of adult females to pattern the testing trial significantly. The survey concluded to the fact that instruction plan based on HBM concepts can alter adult females ‘s wellness beliefs, heighten their cognition about the cervical malignant neoplastic disease and the screening trial, and actuate them to follow a new behavior. ( S.Tavafian2012 ) Another survey in Somali was about an educational programme about the intent of the screening trial, to promote Somalis to set about the trial. The participants praised the enterprise and suggested that such information should be provided in a community scene, because it would assist adult females to comprehend the value of the trial, and to get the better of the different fatalistic barriers to testing. further, Participants suggested bettering the consciousness of testing among adult females via mass media: Television, wireless, picture, DVDs, CDs and audiotapes ( Abdullahi, 2009 ) ,Health publicity ( ACCP 2004 ) ( reexamine the rubric )There is a deficiency of information sing wellness publicity theoretical accounts that have been used to act upon wellness behavior among adult females in Algeria, and even there is no description how the intercession methods were selected, Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention ( ACCP ) consists of five international wellness organisations who portion all the same end to forestall cervical malignant neoplastic disease in limited-resource aims through its undertakings to implement an effectual bar schemes to understate the load of the cervical malignant neoplastic disease.unfortunately, Algeria has non been included in this enterprise, through my reappraisal of this manual, I would propose it as an attack to better adult females ‘s wellness is Algeria and to advance wellness service bringing. Many method of diagnostic, testing and intervention are presently used. And each of them has strengths and restrictions, this method should be reviewed to pick up the most appropriate for the patient, for the showing for illustration the Pap smear trial is the most normally used, this trial requires multiple and regular visit from the client, which can be a barrier for the adult female to go to it, The ACCP suggest some alternate attack with better sensitiveness and specificity such as Human papillomavirus ( HPV ) DNA proving, or ocular showing, a low cost method with an immediate consequence. As a wellness attention installation, they suggest to unite the intervention of precancerous lesions to the showing procedure, and suggest some effectual and safe methods that should be performed by doctor and non physician. These intervention methods allow remedy and histological confirmation at the same clip, it has been shown that this enterprise was praised by adult females and suppliers every bit good, and it has a great consequence to take down rate morbidity. The combination of both effectual showing attack and intervention would get the better of the restriction. Facility adult females ‘s entree to precancer intervention services, through choosing a plan to associate testing services to precancer intervention services. This would increase the effectivity and promote adult female to follow up. Achieving widespread testing coverage of the mark population by choice of well-organised bar attack. And this may include the policymakers and governments who should promote the investing in cervical malignant neoplastic disease bar Planing an effectual bar intercession: Planing a bar plan requires a coordination between a multidisciplinary direction squad, that include clinical, administrative, and preparation specializers. To accomplish the plan ‘s aim, the squad members should follow a participatory procedure which includes besides the position of laic people who are concerned by the result of this plan, and this will let accomplishing a high showing coverage with satisfactory consequence. Bettering wellness services and laboratory substructures: bringing services should be accessible, acceptable, low-cost, and dependable to fulfill the client and guarantee a high coverage of the population mark Training: Ensuring Performance to Standard Ensure to measure up a competent staff and wellness supplier, to pull client to utilize the installations available and this would go on by developing session that enable supplier to confidently offer dependable servicesSupplying Information and Counselling to Address Community and Client NeedsWomen mark group should be informed enough the benefits of showing and handiness of bar services to increase the effectivity of the plan, and this could go on by direct contact between adult female and wellness worker or through aggregate media and run, Social web intercessions, mailed invitation missive for showing and reminders, information booklet which are really popular to distribute information about wellness subjects. It has been stated that direct supplier contact is more effectual to increase the usage of bar services as the single guidance will turn to concerns and emotional demand and should be more convincing Overview of showing, intervention and Palliative Care services of cervical malignant neoplastic disease Cervical malignant neoplastic disease showing services, cervical malignant neoplastic disease intervention, and alleviative attention services should be continuously linked to guarantee the effectivity of the plan.DecisionPlans should be planned strategically, be based on realistic appraisal of demands and capacities, and use the most recent grounds on showing and intervention attacks. ie hapless public presentation of cervical malignant neoplastic disease bar plans in some limited-resource scenes has most oi‚?en been the consequence of hapless planning and execution and deficiency of systems for ongoing monitoring and rating, irrespective of the screening trial or intervention methods used. Establishing mechanisms and procedures to back up and prolong each constituent of a plan will travel far to guaranting that services are effectual, accessible, and acceptable to adult fem ales who need them.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Rose for Emily †Poem Interpretation Essay
The novel of William Faulkner ‘A Rose for Emily’ recounts a part of the past in the life of Miss Emily Grierson and the society in a town of Jefferson after the Civil War. We can watch the intriguing story of a young woman when she is changing from nice and likable young lady to a hermit-like individual, a burden and nuisance for the people and authority of the town. She lived in a gorgeous but rundown house without any major ‘troubles’, like paying taxes for example, which was settled (established?) in 1894 with the Mayor, when she couldn’t afford it. When the change in the office came the tax collectors started asking her to pay the debt to no avail. There was a ‘silent war’ going on for years between Emily and the town people until she fully retreated to her house after the death of her father. There is a short time of romance when Emily met a man and the fear of being abandoned made her crazy to a point where she tried to ‘keep’ him for herself ‘with the little help’ of arsenic. This was the last time he was seen alive. People suspected something bad happened but with no evidence there was nothing they could do about it. Only after her death they entered one of the rooms on the second floor and discovered what took place 40 years earlier. Her lover was ‘asleep’ in a bed, still in nightclothes. Next to him, on the pillow, Emily’s strand of hair. The author tries to go deeper into dark, psychological side of American Goth, going away from its basic ideas like haunted houses, castles, deaths, ailments (diseases), madness, curse, etc. The end of the novel is startling, giving a reader quite a criminal case sample, where the guilty got away with the crime. The question â€Å"Is it possible to commit a crime with no consequences?†lingers in the air. According to the author apparently yes. In his times. It is doubtful that an incident like that could happen in present times, however we still have shocking stories in the news that occur every day and still cannot believe how human mind can lead a person to do heinous crimes.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Managerial Economics Research Paper Example
Managerial Economics Research Paper Example Managerial Economics Paper Managerial Economics Paper many new objectives have come to the fore. Today, there are multiple objectives and they are multi dimensional in nature. Some of them are competitive while others are supplementary in nature. There are economic, social, organizational, human and national goals. There are managerial and behavioral theories. 2) Demand Analysis and Forecasting :-A firm is basically a producing unit. It produce different kinds of goods and services. It has to meet the requirement of consumers in the market. The basic problems of what to produce where to produce, for whom to produce, how to produce and how to distribute them in the market are to be answered by a firm. 3) Production and Cost Analysis :-Production implies transformation of inputs into outputs. It may be either in physical or monetary terms. Maximization of outputs is one of the basic goals of a firm. Production analysis deals with production function, laws of return, returns to scale, economies of scale etc. Maximization of output with minimum cost is the basic slogan of any firm. 4) Pricing Decisions, Policies and Practices :- Pricing Decision is related to fixing the prices of goods and services. This depends on the pricing policy and practices adopted by a firm. Price setting is one of the most important policies of a firm. The amount of revenue, the level of income and above all the volume of profit earned by a firm directly depend on its pricing decisions. 5) Profit Management :-A firm is basically a commercial or business unit. Consequently, the success or failure of it is measured in terms of the amount of profit it is able to earn in a competitive market. Under profit management, one has to study various theories of profit, emergence of profit, functions of profit and its measurement, etc. 6) Capital Management :-It is another crucial area of business. Success of any business depends on adequate capital investment and its proper management. Under capital management, one has to study capital requirement, methods of capital mobilization, capital budgeting, optimal allocation of capital, selection of highly profitable project cost, cost of capital, return on capital, planning and control of capital expenditure etc. 7) Linear Programming and Theory of Games :-The term linear means that the relationships handled are the same as those represented but straight lines and programming implies systematic planning or decision-making. It offers actual numerical solution to the problems of making optimum choices. It involves either maximization of profits or minimization of costs. 8) Market Structure and Conditions :-The knowledge of market structure and conditions existing in various kinds of markets are of great importance in any business. The number of sellers and buyers, the nature, extent and degree of competition etc. determines the nature of policies to be adopted by a firm in the market. 9) Strategic Planning :-It provides a framework on which long term decisions can be mad which have an impact on the behavior of the firm. The firm sets certain long term goals and objectives and selects the strategy to achieve the same. It is now a new addition to the scope of business economics with the emergence of MNCs. 10) Others Areas :-Macro economic management of the country relating to economic system, Impact of Liberalization, globalization, etc.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Channeling My Energy
At nine years old, I wouldn’t walk into supermarkets; I would fly. I would grip the cool metal handles of the towering shopping carts with my childishly hot hands and push off with one foot, propelling myself into infinity. The only thing that could bring me back to earth were my mother’s disapproving looks and barely successful attempts to make me â€Å"Slow down!†or â€Å"Come back here†since I might â€Å"plow into someone.†At school, the poster-plastered walls seemed to close in after long days, edging closer and closer until I felt energy-induced claustrophobia creeping up my spine. The blue and green and yellow of the carpet and walls and finger paintings tumbled and blurred as I turned myself upside down and shifted my weight onto my surprisingly steady palms. â€Å"No handstands in the classroom!†my teacher would admonish, kneeling beside me and gently lowering me to the floor, afraid my precarious center of gravity would soon destabilize. â€Å"You have to learn to stay seated.†To little me, this seemed just too much to ask; sitting down for such long periods seemed a feat only someone as grown up as she could accomplish. It wasn’t long before my teachers started making other comments. Soon it wasn’t just â€Å"You need to learn to stay seated,†but things like â€Å"Paige is slightly immature and behind the other children socially†and â€Å"Maybe you should consider keeping Paige back a grade so she has time to mature and settle down.†My mother knew she had to do something. Suddenly I was sitting in an over-air-conditioned room with a smiling lady who showed me flashcards of dogs and fire trucks and houses, and prompted me to repeat as many as I could remember. She gave me different samples of sounds, testing how long I could remain focused on the voice crackling through the recorder. I was too young to know that she was testing my attention span and mannerisms for ADHD. After I was positively diagnosed, my mother enrolled me in gymnastics to address my overabundant energy. I was mesmerized by the many ways I could contort my body and the countless flips I could execute in midair. The possibility of moving into the advanced group with the older girls motivated me to spend my boundless energy tumbling and balancing in the gym, instead of sprinting and rolling in the supermarket. I soon realized that this solution could be applied to other areas of my life – even those that weren’t physical. After all, I didn’t merely have an excess of physical energy, but mental energy as well. The world seemed to me an incredibly complicated tapestry, and I wanted to unravel its mysteries thread by thread. When I was 10 years old, my brother introduced me to the wonderful world of the fiction novel. From that day on, I was hooked. Stories of vampires and werewolves and witches and warlocks from other worlds swirled in my mind; I constantly had my head in a book. To this day, I continue burning my mental energy on novels, although my tastes have transitioned from teen fiction to classics like Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula. But merely reading words on a page wasn’t enough. Somewhere inside me, I had created my own worlds, unbeknownst to my conscious mind. The day that my hand picked up a pen and put it to paper remains blurry in my memory; it is almost as though it happened of its own volition. I soon became addicted to the beauty of the English language, to the way hard consonants could be combined to elicit a sense of urgency and anger in a reader, and the way liquid consonants could be melded to coax out a sense of calm and happiness. High school came speeding toward me like a freight train, and instead of fully embracing the four years to come, I felt my excess energy – whether it be physical, creative, or inquisitive – made me different from everyone else. I was that teenager who pored over classic literature and wrote poetry for fun. The summer of eleventh grade, fate brought me to the moment when I discovered I was not alone in these pursuits. It was the first hot summer night of the Iowa Young Writer’s Workshop, and listening and observing the other teens around me, I felt the sense that I’d arrived at my intellectual home. Here were peers whose minds were always buzzing and whose hearts were always open. They were propelled by the same abounding energy that I was. They too understood the law of physics stating that energy could neither be created nor destroyed, only changed. And they, like me, had chosen to channel it into something positive.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Science in my world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Science in my world - Essay Example One key concept is called the sequential summation of movement in which heavier objects are able to increase the speed at which smaller attached objects move ( For this reason, the pitcher’s bodily movements are a critical component to how fast the ball will be released and thrown towards the hitter. If the pitcher’s momentum through using his legs to push off of the mound is at a greater force, so too should be the force and speed at which the ball is released as long as the arms, shoulders and hand release the ball at the optimum position during the movement. Another key component to baseball has been the explosion of curve balls and the extent to which a ball can be thrown straight but through its overall release the ball can actually curve away from the straight-line pathway. A scientific research study tested whether a curve ball actually does curve and â€Å"the results indicated that it is possible to make a ball curve as much as 18 inches away from a straight line within a distance of 60 feet, six inches†( Through gripping the baseball a particular way and releasing the ball with the right controlled movements, a pitcher is able to make a ball travel in a straight pathway but curve after enough full revolutions have been completed. All of this is very interesting because it changes how the game can be viewed and alters how players should play the game. If careful analysis is performed and a critique of physical movements is made, science can help all players and coaches perform at the optimum level possible . "Science of Baseball: Putting Something on the Ball: Page 1." Exploratorium: the Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception. Web. 22 Sept. 2010.
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